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The first step in assessing human resources is to know what resources a company already has on hand. Then, the company must assess the demand and supply for adding staffing. Finally, the company must match the supply to the demand.

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Q: Identify and briefly explain four key stages in human resource planning?
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Explain briefly the different functions of human resource management?

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Explain the process of HR planning?

two main goals of the human resource planning process are the following: • Identify and document project roles, responsibilities for each role, and reporting relationships among the roles. • Develop the staff management plan. Before you can assign the resources to a project, you need to know the resource requirements of the project, which are the main items that you need to plan resources. At the heart of resource planning lays the art of converting activities and activity resource requirements into roles and responsibilities. For example, consider an activity in a project, writing a software program. The program will be written by a programmer, which is a human resource. However, before you even know the name of the programmer, you can work with this programmer as a role whose main responsibility is to write the program, and you can assign a real individual to fill this role later. This approach allows for planning before hiring. The results of your efforts of human resource planning are documented in what is called the human resource plan. It's a document that describes roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships among the roles, and staffing management.

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Human Resource Management The paper discusses HRM rationale, history, key areas and practice, difference between hard and soft models, and their international tendencies. It concludes that models be based on the culture and demographic characteristics of the target organization.

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