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Q: Identify major laws of shintoism
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Related questions

Where do they practice Shintoism?

Shintoism is the major religion in Japan.

Where was shintoism formed?

Japan, it is the major religion there

What are laws that shintoism people follow?

Shintoism is a Japanese religion that dates back to about 1000 BCE. The major laws are that spiritual powers exist in the natural world and that spirits called kami live in all natural places. The followers of Shintoism pray to and make offerings to the kami.

What major holidays does Shintoism have?

the shinto has there birthday and the holy day

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Identify all the laws in sign no.?

Did Shintoism come to Japan from China?

NO. Shintoism is an indigenous Japanese faith. All other major faiths and philosophies in Japan, such as Confucianism and Buddhism, however, did come from China.

What is the major teaching of Shintoism?

A major teaching is for Shinto followers to live and coexist in harmony with nature and other people.

Who founded shintoism?

There is no founder for Shintoism

Who is the founder shintoism?

There is know founder for shintoism.

What are followers of Shintoism called?

Shintoism, Shinto

What religions are common in Japan?

The most common religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shintoism, though most Japanese do not self identify as singular adherents of a particular religion.

What is the key text to Shintoism?

The Halawali is the key text of Shintoism.