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wearing a coat

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Q: Identify the gerund phrase in this sentence Carlos is wearing a coat to keep him warm?
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Can you locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence Her daughter likes climbing trees?

This would be the phrase "climbing trees." It is because this phrase works in the sentence to be the direct object.

Is the use of a gerund beginning a sentence acceptable?

Using a gerund at the beginning of a sentence is perfectly acceptable.

Are gerund phrase considered as sentence?

A gerund phrase is not considered a sentence. See below: waiting for the bus (a gerund phrase, not a complete sentence) While waiting for the bus, I like to listen to music. (complete sentence)

What is function of gerund?

A gerund functions as a noun in a sentence, as the subject of a sentence or clause, and the object of a verb or a preposition.

What are the function of gerund and gerund phrase?

A gerund begins with a verb and a -ing after the verb.A gerund phrase is a phrase that includes the gerund and the rest of the sentence.

Which word in the sentence is a gerund?

The word within the word gerund is under.

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The gerund is "Driving" and the gerund phrase is "Driving carelessly".

What is the function of the gerund phrase in the sentence Crying about our problems will not solve them?

In that sentence, "crying" functions as a noun.

What is the function of the gerund in the sentence laughing is good for a person?

Gerunds are used as nouns. In this case, the gerund (laughing) is the subject of the sentence.

Do you like swimming. what is the function of the gerund?

The gerund 'swimming' is the DIRECT OBJECT of the sentence.

What is the function of the gerund in Do you like swimming?

The gerund 'swimming' is the DIRECT OBJECT of the sentence.

When do you know if the sentence has a gerund of gerund phrase?

well if its good of course lolss