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Q: Identify two types of observation
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What are the two types observation?

Visual and verbal. An instance of noticing or viewing A comment or remark

What are two types observation?

Visual and verbal. An instance of noticing or viewing A comment or remark

What are the different type of observation?

An observation is something noticed directly by your senses. There are three different types of observations. A qualitative observation is an observation about essential attributes of an object. For example, color, shape, texture, etc would be examples. A quantitative observation is an observation that can be described or measured in concrete numerical quantity. For example, weight, temperature, height, length, and mass would be examples. two types of observation: participant & non-participant

What are types of observations?

There are many types of observations that can be applied in different fields. The common types are natural observation, casual observation, scientific observation, direct observation, objective observation and much more.

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