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Q: If 1 ounces give 3 pints how much pints will 1 pound gives?
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How many ounces are in a turkey leg?

sixteen ounces in a pound. of anything.

How many ounces will you give for a pound and a half?

24 ounces = 1.5 pounds.

How man ounces of coffee in a pound of coffee?

1 lb coffee grounds = 40.4 fluid ounces volume (= 5 cups)[1]

How many pounds are in a gallon of 2 milk?

In most water-based liquids, 1 pint = 1 pound, so 1 gal = 8 pints = 8 pounds give or take a few ounces.

If you add 12 feet in 128 ounces how many pints would you have?

The 128 ounces give you 8 pints. But there's not much you can do with the 12 feet. There's no relationship whatsoever between feet and pints, and they can't be converted to each other. If they could, then by now we would have heard how many pints tall Michael Jordan is.

How many ounces is a half cup of ice cream?

Why don't you get a measuring scale, and go and measure ;)

How much is 7 ounces in pounds?

Well a pound is 16 ounces so you take 7 and multiply it by 16 and you get 112 ounces [7lbs/1]*[16ounces/1lbs] the pounds cancel and give you 112ounces.

How many pounds are in thirty seven ounces?

well there are 16 ounces in a pound so just do 37 times 16 and that should give u the answer

How many pints equal 1 gallon and 1 quart?

Since there are 128 ounces in a gallon, 32 ounces in a quart, and 16 ounces in a pint, you would add: 128 ounces (1 gallon) 96 ounces (3 x 32 ounces) 16 ounces (1 pint) which will give you a total of 240 ounces.

What volume of Albuterol Solution would be needed to prepackage 72 pints?

To determine the volume of Albuterol Solution needed to prepackage 72 pints you will need to know the volume of a single pint. Generally a pint is equal to 16 fluid ounces. Therefore 72 pints is equal to 1152 fluid ounces. To convert this to liters which is the common unit of measure for Albuterol Solution you will need to divide 1152 fluid ounces by 33.814. This will give you the volume of Albuterol Solution in liters needed to prepackage 72 pints which is 34.09 liters. 72 pints = 1152 fluid ounces 1152 fluid ounces divided by 33.814 = 34.09 litersIn conclusion the volume of Albuterol Solution needed to prepackage 72 pints is 34.09 liters.

How many ounces in a pound of spaghetti sauce?

Sixteen, same as a pound of anything but gold or silver and with those they use troy ounces, twelve in a pound.

How many pounds are in 135 oz?

There are 16 ounces in one pound, so you divide 135 by 16. That will give you 8.4375 pounds.