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Q: If Earth was tilted at a different angle how would that affect Mercury?
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Why does the fact that the earth is tilted affect us?

Since the Earth is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit around the sun, the parts of the Earth away form the equator receive significantly different amounts of solar heating at different times of the year. The result is the progression of the seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring). If the Earth were not tilted, we would not have seasons.

What does Earth's tilted axis mainly affect?

Seasons And Climate

What would happen if the earth was tilted 30 degrees?

If the earth was not tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, there would not be the different seasons.

How the earth movements affect climate?

earths axis is little tilted which makes its rotation different at different points of time. this change in rotation and the significant difference of distant between the earth and the sun affects the climate

which of the following is the cause for the different seasons on earth?

the way earth has a tilted axis

Why the sun has different altitudes at different times of the year?

The Earth's axis is tilted.

How do rotation and tilt affect the amount of solar energy that different parts of earth receive?

Rotation and tilt affect the amount of solar energy the earth receives because when the earth is tilted and or rotating, one specific part of the earth is more directed towards the sun then all the others.

Difference between mercury and Earth's rotation?

Nothing, except the speed of the rotation and how much the planet is tilted on its axis.

How does Earth axis affect seasons?

Since Earth is tilted on its axis and is revolving around the sun, some places on Earth get an indirect and direct amounts of sunlight and energy than others, therefore causing different seasons.

What would happen if the earth was tilted on a different angle?

The seasonal variations would be different.

How is earth and mercury different?

mercury is yellowey redish and the earth is blue and green and the planet earth has life on it and mercury does not have any life on it

How many degrees is the earth tilted on it axis?

The earth is always tilted on its axis. It is about 23.5o