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There is no "God"... It could easily be argued that suffering is entirely mans doing because of 'his' freewill to do evil. This is all abstract ofcourse.

yes that is true, as well as god was an invention for means of control, then and now.

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Q: If God is so powerful then why is there suffering on the earth?
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If God is All Powerful and All Good then why are there so many people dying of starvation in the World?

Now this is my opinion, we came to earth to learn a lesson and God wouldn't make a world full of dying and starvation, so God did not make earth. God is always all powerful no dought about that. You have to make the most of the situations you are in no matter what they are. God puts us all in a certain situation for a reason. In the end God will come back and take all who believe in him to Heaven. In Heaven there is no Sadness, death, pain, or evil.

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Nobody He made himself. It is hard to explain but if you think about it he is the ALL POWERFUL god, so he can totally make himself if he made the earth and us. From 13 year old girl

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zeuz is an all powerful god not god,god but god of air i know this is not as truthful to you but it is so deal with it hehehehe

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God is all-powerful, and he controls the universe, and everything in it; or so I believe.

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Zeus is the chief god in Greek mythology. He is the god of thunder. The "big three" are Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Zeus is the chief god so he is also the most powerful god in Greek mythology.

How does the Christian organisation try to stop suffering?

Pretty much the same as everyone else however they pray to God for help and by faith rest in peace knowing that things will get better and God will help them with their dilemma. They also rest in the fact the God loves them and care about them. They know that someday the suffering here on earth will end because when they get to Heaven there will be no more tears.