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A body weight of 90lbs is way too low for a boy, but not as much so for a girl.

Some signs of anorexia are skipping meals, or deliberately vomiting afterwards. If you are doing these things, you may be anorexic.

Anorexia is more of a problem that females have than boys. However, either way, a check up at your family doctor is always a good idea.

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Q: If I am 15 years old 5 foot 9 and I weigh 90 lbs should I consider asking for help about anorexia?
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It totally depends on the individual; check with your doctor for more information. We want to avoid you developing body image problems or developing bulimia, anorexia, obesity, or other issues.

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If you're 30 and consider yourself a girl then you need some other questions answered.