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Yes, and that's the risk of selling puts: the company can go out of business, but the put's seller is still obligated to follow through on the transaction.

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Q: If I own a put and the common becomes worthless is my option truly worth the amount of the strike?
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What happens to put options when a company goes bankrupt?

What happens is the put writer gets hosed. If a company goes into Chapter 7 bankruptcy, all its stock becomes worthless. Unfortunately for the people who wrote put options on the company's stock, those do NOT become worthless. If the put buyer decides to exercise the option - and he will - the writer has to buy all those shares of worthless stock at the strike price.

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Yes, as soon as the option is sold on the open market to a buyer, the seller immediately receives and retains the option's premium. This premium is kept regardless of the action of the market or the buyer. In the event the option expires worthless, the premium becomes profit for the seller, or in contrast, the premium can be used to help offset loss if the seller decides to close the position and buy back the option. It is important to note, however, that the premium received remains in escrow and cannot be used in any capacity until the risk taken on by the trade is eliminated in due course by either the expiration of the option, or the buy back of the position.

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Contact your student aid for the answer. This is your best option.

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