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I think what and how much they will pay for depends on what you are going to school for and how long you have been in the military. If you do decide to have the military pay for your schooling, however, you will be obligated to remain in the military for a certain amount of time.

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Q: If I select a degree with the military will they pay for my schooling?
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How can the military pay for my education?

Yes, the military can pay for your school. You will have to join the military and you will go to a military college but you will get a degree!

Can you work in a hospital without schooling?

The more schooling you have, the more you will be paid. You have to have atleast your High School diploma to get a job. I would get a college degree and pay it off with the money you make, because you will make alot more with a Degree in Medicine and Health.

How much money does a military nurse earn?

Military PayIn the military your pay depends on your rank and time in service, not what your actually job is. For instance if you are a nurse with the rank of Captain you will have the same base income as any other military captain. There is a pay table that will show you the base pay rates. Go to and look athe the top left in the yellow/gold bar. Select the link for "military pay" and then select the drop down box for military pay tables. As a of the nurse, with a college degree you would be an "O" for officer. In addition to your basic pay rate you receive a small sum each month for food and another for housing cost. The housing rate will vary depending on where you live but it is meant to pay 80-100% of the cost of a rental home. If you serve overseas or in a hardship location there are additional pay allowances you will receive and you can look those rates up from the same site as above.

Are accountants under or over paid?

I think they are fairly compensated for their work. They put a lot of time into the schooling that is necessary to get the accounting degree and therefore, deserve the high rate of pay.

Pay for School?

Joining the military is one way that students can use to pay for school. The military provides very generous scholarships to students who want to attend graduate school or receive an undergraduate degree. A student can also receive a living stipend if he or she decides to join the military in order to pay for school.

What rank in the military would you get with a bachelor's degree?

Rank in the military is not dependent only on education.To become an officer requires attending the military college for officers.Requirements are quite stiff.You could sign up to be a foot soldier without trouble though.

Should the government pay for home schooling?

no way...

Where can one get money to pay for schooling?

An individual could apply for grants and scholarships to see if help is available. Another way to get money to pay for schooling would be to get a part time job.

Who pays for schooling in Scotland?

Unless you attend a private school, the government pays for education during primary and high school. The government also pays for a degree at university. There are residency conditions (regarding the amount of time you have lived in Scotland) with this and they will only pay for your first degree.

Will the military pay for all college tuition costs?

while on active duty the military pays a high percentage of colloge tuition. after serving a tour of enlistment enough money will be had to complete a full bachelors degree..

Where can you get a Medical degree that require little schooling and pay big?

Maybe in the jungles of South American, or Africa. AS a physician, it takes approximately four years for the bachelor's degree and four years of medical school in the US. There will also be an additional three or more years to complete the internship and residency requirement.

Who pays for the military?

The government sets the pay for the military, the government pays the military and tax payers fund the government so that they can pay for the military. Keep in mind military members pay taxes as well so they themselves are paying a portion of their own pay checks.