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no but they have more of a chance of wrecking your game

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Q: If Pokemon events are cloned do they count as being hacked?
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How do you get a salac berry in Pokemon Diamond?

The Salac Berry is a rare berry in Pokemon Diamond. It can only be obtained from distribution events that had legendary Pokemon holding them. These events are no longer being ran or support for Pokemon Diamond.

Are people being cloned?

The truth is that some say people are being cloned and others say they aren't. With advances in knowledge of genetics, cloning is certainly possible.

Are Pokemon events free at game stop?

Yes events in which a Pokemon is being distributed usually through a serial code that's on a code card at GameStop are free.

When was the PS3 hacked?

April 20 2011 it was shut down after being hacked

How do you get starion for Pokemon Diamond?

i think someone hacked it and said it was real. i caught all other Pokemon and i never saw a starion. i heard it was a hacked form of eevee, and pretty much, until you learn how to make Pokemon and put them in the game, it doesn't exist. sorry about the truith being a letdown, and i hope you can find out what it really is one day...hahahaha ur never gonna get it

Where is the Pokemon event?

Pokemon/Nintendo events are no longer being held for the GBA Pokemon games (Leafgreen/Firered,Emerald). The only way to get the tickets is with a gameshark

How do you prevent being hacked on a PS3?

You won't.

How do you prevent getting hacked?

by being cool.

What are the dates for the next Pokemon download events?

Being that all the special events for Diamond/Pearl have died down, there shouldn't be any more in the near future until the next Pokemon generaton comes out.

What might be a problem for being cloned and what would be the benefits of being cloned?

Well one of the benefits of being cloned can be if you are tired of work and school then you can have your clone go instead of you. Or the problem of cloning can be either if u come out a baby then u have no hope to count on that baby or either if the clone doesnt come out excactly like u because the machine can have problems...