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Q: If Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton got into a fist fight who would win?
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If it was a fight who would win Susan Boyle or Hillary Clinton?

I think Hillary will win

Who would win in a fight between Sarah palin and joe biden?

Well it depends, if it is a slap fight Sarah Palin, if it is a political fight ,well Joe Biden already won, now if it is a street brawl Joe Biden, Joe is a democrat which means he supports poor people and already has experience in killing ( abortionist ) . Remember Sarah Palin supports rich people which there are less of, then again since she knows a lot of rich people bribing people to betray Joe Biden and hiring assassins could bring some trouble.

Who would you rather fight Hillary Clinton or Osama bin Laden?

Probably Bin Laden ... at least he's somewhat more "predictable" ... lol

Why did you vote for Hillary Clinton Why?

Vote Hillary I am a 13-year-old boy who has been inspired by this '08' Election. With two unbelievable Democratic candidates to choose from, one has truly caught my interest - Hillary Clinton! She has worked for the people for many years. She has helped to make America a better place. She is brave, caring, and giving. Hillary has the skills and experience to lead. She will fight for a new beginning. A time when the 48 million people with no heath care can finally get the help they need, a time when the war will end and a stable economy will begin. We Americans have many problems to solve and Hillary Clinton has solutions. If we vote smart, and work together, we WILL correct our problems. Vote intelligent, vote Hillary '08'.

Does Sarah Palin know martial arts?

She is a blue belt in BJJ. Did some amateur intergender MMA too. I think her first fight was against a typical red neck kid who she had tap out from a triangle.

Was Vladimir Putin serious about Declaring War if Hillary Clinton became The Next President of The US?

The question misunderstands Vladimir Putin's comments. Putin did not make a threat that if Hillary Clinton were elected that he would have Russia declare war on the United States, but rather that he saw Hillary Clinton as a war-hawk and that she would inevitably drive the US towards a war with Russia that Russians are scared that they may have to fight. As a result, Putin was trying to argue that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to promote the likelihood of a US-Russia War. This is also an attempt for him to put his weight further behind the candidacy of Donald Trump, who the Russians correctly view as less confrontational with Russia's expansionist foreign policy. It is doubtful, however, that Hillary Clinton will actually attack Russia directly and the fear is more often catalyzed by possibilities of bad interaction between Russian and US forces in Syria, Ukraine, or Georgia (the country).

Did Sarah Palin support or oppose the Bridge to Nowhere?

Sarah Palin supported the Bridge to Nowhere in Washington DC, and did fight for it. She stopped advocating for the bridge after it was brought to her attention through public outcry that the costs had climbed beyond reason for such a project that would benefit so few. Well yeah she kinda did support it at the beginning but she didn't want money from congress.She said thanks but no thanks if we want a bridge we'll build it our selves!!

Who would win a fight Bill Clinton or George W. Bush?

Bill Clinton wins George W Bush knew how to fight?

Who said you have to be able to take a lot of criticism suffer defeats and get up tomorrow and fight?

Bill Clinton

What is the difference between an Obama and a Clinton?

If you are referring to Obama and Bill Clinton, many people would say Bill is a better politician, warmer with crowds, and better able to connect with his audience; this may be the result of his many years of experience as a politician, since in his early campaigns, he was known for being long-winded and did not connect well. Politically, Bill Clinton is also much more of a centrist than Obama. If you are referring to Obama and Hillary Clinton, in their fight for the presidential nomination, they waged a very bitter campaign against each other, even though many of their views were similar. But once the election was over, Hillary took a job as President Obama's Secretary of State, and by all accounts, they work well together.

If Obama and Hillary Clinton got into a fist fight who would win?

Probably Obama because of the body constitution (men vs women). However, since there hasn't been any real figths between those two, except on miniclip, no one can really tell.

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