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Q: If South America will not there explain how the direction of the south equatorial current would be different?
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If south America were not there how would the direction of the South America Equatorial Current alter?

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would be one Ocean and the whole global oceanic gyres would alter to accommodate.

What is the Equatorial Undercurrent and which direction does it flow?

Equatorial Undercurrent is a subsurface current flowing eastward along the equator. A narrow, swift-flowing ribbon with a thickness of 200 m and a width of at most 400 km, it displays the largest current speeds of the equatorial current system.

How did the North Equatorial and South Equatorial get their name?

The North Equatorial Current got its name from the fact that it is north of the equator and vise versa with the South Equatorial Current, the fact that it is South of the Equator.

How is a surface current different from a deep water current?

Different pressure levels will vary speed and direction

How fast is the south equatorial current?

The South Equatorial Current is a broad, westward flowing current flowing between approximately Venezuela and the south of Brazil. It is divided into three branches, each with different velocities - the range is 11.3 cm s-1 to 16.4 cm s-1.

How did the North Equatorial and South Equatorial currents got their names?

Probably by what kind of current they get there.

Why does the south equatorial current change?

don't no

Electrically how is AC different from DC current?

DC is direct current, current travels in one direction. AC is alternating current, current changes direction twice per cycle. 60 Hertz would change direction 120 times per second.

What hemisphere is the north equatorial current located in?

As it is called the 'North Equatorial Current' the name would suggest that it is located North of the equator, in the Northern hemisphere.

Does the equatorial counter current cool the galapagos islands?

No, its cooled by the Humboldt Current.

Is southern equatorial current warm or cold?


What is The Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent known as?

Cromwell Current