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The pregnancy will be very hard physically for the girl. She is not yet physically developed to give birth to a child, and may need to have a c-section. However, some people may recommend an abortion, I believe this is unfair to the baby. Unless your doctor thinks the mothers health is in danger by carrying the baby, the least you can do for your child is put it up for adoption. There are so many people out there that will give the child a loving home. And an abortion may result in infertility, which is something you dont want so she can have a child later in life. Also, the baby is alive, has a heartbeat, and it was made by YOUR mistake. Its innocent and deserves to live. And b/c these young teens decided they were grown up enough to have sex, they should be grown up enough to see out what they created.

Abortion is a very safe procedure and sterility is very rare. At 14 you have to talk to your parents and contact a doctor and they will tell you all your options. You have the same rights as any woman regardless of age. Keep the baby, adoption or abortion. Your choice and no once force you. Look into the options deeply because none of them are easy. Ask the clinic if you can speak to other teen moms who have kept their baby or given it up for adoption or had an abortion. Also at 14 most relationships don't last so prepare yourself and make plans for the future. If you are the father who asks this I should tell you that the decision is not yours. Your fatherly rights do not start until the baby is born.

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Q: If a 14 year old gets a 14 year old pregnant by accident what will happen?
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