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Q: If a baby's bottle is not filled with milk will it cause gas?
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Related questions

What is a bottle of milk?

A bottle of milk is a bottle filled with milk. A milk bottle can be reused many times by recycling which helps the environment to be clean.

Is filled milk safe for babies?

Filled milk is not safe for babies as if it is not handled properly it may cause several problems to babies. Mothers milk is always safe for babies.

Will bleach mixed with milk cause an explosion?

no it will only heat the bottle up

What do bottlenose dolphin feed there babys on?

Milk they feed their babies on milk

How is the shadow of the full milk bottle different to the shadow of the empty milk bottle?

This is because a milk bottle is transparent but if it has milk in it - (milk's opaque) then you wont be able to see through it which will make the shadow darker.

How do sugar gliders feed their babys?

milk from their breasts

What do you do when the guinea pig want milk the babys?

let her

You have white thick liquid coming out of your breast?

That is your babys milk u get milk around 6months

Do amphibians feed babys with milk?

They do not feed their young milk. That is what Mammals do and what makes a mammal a mammal.

When was Benewah Milk Bottle created?

Benewah Milk Bottle was created in 1935.

A bottle of milk has a mass of 1.3 kg. what is the weight of the bottle of milk?


'Filled milk' in Bahasa Melayu?

"Filled Milk" in Bahasa Melayu would be:"Penuhkan" = "filled" (the act of filling. This act in Bahasa Melayu is "Isi")"Susu" = "milk""Filled Milk" = "Susu yang dipenuhkan" (Milk which has been filled)In a different case of "filled milk" which has different meaning from the above,"Filled Milk is any milk product to which an oil or some other non-milk product has been added. Note that the FDA declared this product "injurious to the public health".In Bahasa Melayu, the above case of "filled milk" will mostly be referred to as "contaminated milk"."Contaminate" = "cemar""Contaminated" = "dicemarkan" (the act of contaminating)