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yes and then they will all eat each other. :)

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Q: If a bat has rabies will all the bats in the colony also be rabid?
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What diseases do Bats carry?

Bats can carry rabies, very few bats actually are carriers and again very few incidences of rabies in humans because of bats.

Do Red Pandas Have Rabies?

NO. Rabies is a viral disease of mammals. Penguins are birds. - The most common cause by far is a bite from a rabid animal. In the Americas the most common rabid animals are bats and raccoons. Not many of those around areas that penguins frequent.

What is a sentence with the word rabid?

Rabid means that you(or something else) have rabies. Rabies is a viral disease that effects most warm blooded animals, like wolves, cats, and dogs. It attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the saliva or bite of an infected animal. (for example: bats carry rabies)

Are bats in house bad luck?

no bats are very useful animals they are harmless unless they carry rabies but bats are not big enought to carry rabies so they die when the get rabies. the wort thing they could carry would be fleas but that is also rare

Does bat dangerous for human?

Uh. Well, I guess you're asking if bats are dangerous to people. In most cases, no. They're only dangerous if they're carrying rabies, which is a relatively common disease in bats. But could a non-rabid bat hurt you? No.

Summarize the Case Study about bats and rabies?

bats get rabies from biting theirselves

How do wolves get rabies?

Just like all animals. Bitten from bugs that carry diseases. Usually those pesky mosquitoes. Give all the crises and spiders... so make sure your dog is in a clean area and away from bug zones.

How is rabies prevented?

by not getting bit by an animal with rabiesRabies is a virus that is transmitted through the saliva or blood of an infected animal. rabies is only carried by mammals. Dogs, cats, foxes, racoons, hoofed animals, humans, and bats can infect other animals through a bite. However, only bats can carry rabies without being killed by the virus. if a human or an animal is bitten by a rabid animal the virus works its way from the bite along the nerves to the brain. this can take as long as six months. once the virus is in the brain the symptoms of rabies begin. The infected animal exhibits either the "dumb" form or the "rage" form of infection. it takes about ten days for a rabid animal or human to die once the virus is in the brain. during that ten days, and only that ten days, the virus can be spread through the saliva or blood of the infected animal or human.There are very effective vaccines against the rabies virus. domesticated animals are routinely injected with a killed virus vaccination in the modern world. there are also effective rabies baits that can be spread through the wild areas. once these baits are eaten by the wildlife they are protected against rabies. humans that are at risk of exposure such as veterinarians and wildlife workers are given preventative vaccines also. if a human is exposed to a rabid animal they are treated by being given the vaccine 5 or 6 times over a span of several months. this is usually effective. very few humans die of rabies in the modern world but it remains a serious threat in third world countries.

Do bats chirp?

While most people know bats bounce sound waves too high for people to hear off of objects (even ones as small as mosquitoes) to "see" in the dark (sonar), few people know that bats create sounds we can hear. So YES, they do chirp- very loudly. Just ask anybody who has bats in their attic. It sounds like baby birds, lots of baby birds. They chirp socially while they are roosting to communicate with the rest of the colony. One thing that might set the whole colony chirping is approaching danger. In other words, that bat in the eave of your house that chirps when you get near it during the day isn't asking for you to help get it out- it's screaming to everybody else to watch out because there's some giant two-legged monster coming! Also, RABID BATS DON'T ATTACK! Bats get paralytic rabies, not aggressive rabies (the 0.5 % that even get rabies, that is). Get rid of your mosquitoes the natural way! Build a Bat House!

What bats have rabies?

There is no specific type or class of bat that has rabies; just be on careful alert and keep clean to avoid rabies.

What are rabies-carrying cave dwellers?


Why do some bats have rabies and some don't?

In order to get rabies, an animal has to have been exposed to the disease, usually by being bitten or scratched by an infected animal. Most bats will not have rabies, as an animal that does get infected does not have long to live.