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When it comes to parking lots things get complictaed. In general Parking lots are private property, meaning that the rules of the road are not always in effect. Usually if an accident occurs and the police are called they will issue an accident report with the notation of cannot dissern fault, meaning they were not there at the time of the accident therefore they cannot tell who was at fault.

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Q: If a car is parked over the line in a space and another car hits it who's at fault?
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hits your car or hits you?If you walked out into on-coming traffic then that's your fault. No one can read minds and anticiapte that you will be walking out in front of them.If someone hit your parked car, that's their faultAnswerIt is the guy who hit yous fault!

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As long as the parked vehicle is parked properly and not illegally parked in any manner, then the vehicle that rear-ended the parked car is at fault. Now if the parked car is sitting illegally (such as double parked or parked in a no parking zone, etc.) then the parked car is at fault or even both the parked car AND the car that hits it are BOTH at fault.

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This is not enough information to answer the question. If a car hits a parked vehicle then the moving vehicle would be at fault. If both vehicles are moving then the issue gets more complicating.

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