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That's a really funny question, but i have the answer:

Compulsive liars don't always lie anyways, so if your friend or someone you know says that, and blah blah blah, you can sometimes know when (if) they say that.

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Q: If a compulsive liar says they're a compulsive liar should you believe them?
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If a compulsive liar told you he's a compulsive liar would you believe him?

Yes, but I'm naieve....

How do you deal with a compulsive liar of a dad?

dont believe him? lie back?

Why is the woman in the Glade commercials a compulsive liar?

A more interesting question would be, "Why do you believe commercials?"

Is there a mental illness When a person believes their lies?

Yes it is called Pathological Liar or Compulsive Liar. If someone is lying to gain something whether it be admiration, power, money, etc. this is a Pathological Liar. If someone is lying about everything even small details or changes stories around for no apparent reason this is a Compulsive Liar. I personally think both are dangerous and both can and/or will lie for some sort of gain. Usually a Compulsive Liar will lie, know it's a lie, and actually believe it. A Pathological Liar might know they are lying and not necessarily believe it but will defend it. Hope this helped.

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Can a compulsive liar stop lying?


What is the medical term meaning somebody that lies all the time?

a liar. Pathological liar or compulsive liar.

Would a compulsive liar lie about dying?

A compulsive liar can lie about anything no matter how severe it sounds. ____________________ But he won't tell you he's alive after he's dead.

Is it dangerous to live with a compulsive liar or pathological?


How can you help a compulsive liar?

You can't. I've tried.

What is the medical term for compulsive liars?

Pathological liar

How do you recover from being with a compulsive liar?

Recovering from a relationship with a compulsive liar can be challenging. It's important to prioritize your well-being by seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist. Setting boundaries and practicing self-care are crucial steps in moving forward and rebuilding trust in future relationships.