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Q: If a crescent moon rises in the east how will it appear in 6 hours?
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Does crescent moon rise in east?

The Moon always rises in the east, no matter what phase it is in.

Why is it that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west?

The Sun, Moon and stars only appear to "rise" and "set" because we live on a spinning Earth. The Earth spins west-to-east once every 24 hours.

Which part of the sky does the sun appear to rise in?

If it rises at all, it will be generally towards the east.

Where does the sun appear to be as the earth rotates?

It rises in the East and sets in the West, every day.

From what compass direction does the sun appear each morning?

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

What is correct the sun rises from the east or the sun rises in the east?

The Sun rises IN the East.

Where does the sun rise?

The Sun doesn't really rise and set; the Sun sits there in the center of our solar system, unmoving. It is the Earth spinning - and us with it - that makes the Sun appear to rise in the East and set in the west.

What does the moon look like rising in the west a couple hours before sunrise?

The Moon only ever rises in the East. Rising 2 hours before sunrise it would be best seen from mid-September to mid-November.. It would be a narrow crescent with the bright side towards the Sun's position.

In the northern hemisphere the sun sets in the what?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun apparently rises in the east and sets in the west. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the other way around. The Sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Note that the Sun does not actually move, it is Earth that makes it appear to move.

What island is east of the Fertile Crescent?

There is no island to the east of the Fertile Crescent. That is where Iran sits. The closest island to the Fertile Crescent on the east side is Bahrain which is to the southeast.

Which mountains border the Fertile Crescent to the east?

The Zagros Mountains border the Fertile Crescent to the East.

In neptune sun rises in west or east?

it rises in the west and sets in the east.