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Q: If a diagnosis of brucellosis is suspected in a patient clinical laboratory specimens (particularly blood cultures) must be processed in a BSL3 laboratory for safety reasons.?
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You can benefit from watching both calories and carbohydrates if you are overweight, particularly refined (processed) carbohydrates.

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The film is pre-treated with chemicals that react to light and create the image. It is then processed in a photographic laboratory with chemicals to reveal the image.

What are used to make salt?

Salt is sodium chloride or Na CL. It is minedfrom large salt deposits in the earth though it can be made in a laboratory. Sea salt is processed from salt water.

What is the difference between a naturally occurring solution and a manufactured or processed solution?

The only difference is the origin of the solution. A naturally-occurring solution is one that comes about by natural processes with non human interference. A manufactured or processed solution is one that is created by industrial production, in a laboratory, or from other human processes.

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The Cray C90 is what is termed as a "supercomputer". This means that it has a particularly high capacity and processing speed, allowing it to be used in situations where a lot of data needs to be processed at top speed.

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It is a processed form of wheat.

How is rye processed?

it is processed by like a pare shreader