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Q: If a dwarf planet were discovered farther from the sun than Eris how would it orbital speed compare to that of zeros?
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Which planet has the slower orbital speed Saturn or Jupiter?

Saturn is slower because it is farther from the sun. The farther away a planet is from the sun, the slower its orbital speed.

What can be said about a planet orbiting an identical star with an orbital period of 500 days?

The planet must be farther from the star than Earth is from the Sun. According to Kepler's third law, a longer orbital period means that the planet must be farther from its star. In fact you could work out its average distance from the star, using Kepler's law.

Which planet moves the most slowly in its orbit?

Of the major planets, Neptune. The speed of planets in their orbits is directly related to their distance from the sun. The farther a planet is from the Sun, the slower its orbital speed.

How does this planet compare to the hot Jupiters discovered around other stars?

Small & cold.

Which planet has the lowest orbital velocity?

Pluto is the planet that has the lowest orbital velocity relative to that of the earth. The orbital velocity of Pluto is 0.159.

How does the distance from the sun of a planet affect the planet’s orbitalvelocity?

A planet's orbital speed changes, depending on how far it is from the Sun. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the stronger the Sun's gravitational pull on it, and the faster the planet moves. The farther it is from the Sun, the weaker the Sun's gravitational pull, and the slower it moves in its orbit.

What would be the average distance of a planet from the Sun with a orbital period of 730 days?

Use Kepler's Third Law, and compare with Earth's orbit.

What is the common term used for a planet's orbital period?

A planet's orbital period is also known as its year.

Which properties can be inferred from the stars orbital period?

a planet's orbital period. based off kepler's 3rd law (Wrong.)The planet's orbital radius. (Correct.)

Why does mars orbits faster than than the other planet?

This is false. Mercury is the "fastest" planet, with Venus and Earth next. IN fact, the orbital speed of any planet is inversely related to the distance from the Sun; close-in planets orbit faster than farther-out planets.

Which term refers to the speed at which a planet travel in its orbit?

Orbital velocity refers to the speed at which a planet travels in its orbit.

Do more massive planets take longer to orbit the sun?

The length of time it takes for a planet to orbit the sun is based on its distance from the sun, not its mass. The farther a planet is from the sun, the larger its orbital path, and the longer it takes to complete an orbit.