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Q: If a fish was swimming in water at 23'C then what would be the body temperature of the fish?
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What is the body temperature of a fish swimming in 60 degrees of water?

The body temperature of a fish swimming around in water that is 60 degrees would be 60 degrees also. This is because fish, unlike mammals, are coldblooded; they do not waste energy keeping their body temperature constant. Their body temperature would match that of the water around them.

How do echidna get water?

The echidna is not a water-dweller, but it does go into th water. Though its body shape and spines would seem to inhibit its swimming ability, the echidna actually swims quite well, and even uses swimming as a means to regulate its own temperature.

Why after a while does the water in a swimming pool stop feeling cold?

because your body gets used to the temperature of the water.

In what major body of water are you probably be swimming in turkey?

well i would be swimming if a small lake

Why does cold water seem warm after a while of swimming?

This happens because your body temperature gets used to the cold water, at the same time the temperature from the body makes the water a little warmer also.

Why does your body temperature go down when you swim?

Because, when you have been swimming, you have been in the water, and water is sometimes cold, so when the cold has entered your body, your body goes cold.

Does your body lose heat by conduction while in a swimming pool?

Quite so. The water in a swimming pool is cooler than body temperature (unless the swimming pool is actually a hot tub) and therefore, a person in that pool will lose heat by conduction.

How can your body heat water in a swimming pool?

If the temperature of the water is less than your body temperature, then heat will be transferred from the warmer body to the colder body of water. The molecules in your skin vibrate because they are warm. When a water molecule touches a warm vibrating skin molecule, some of the heat energy in the skin molecule is transferred to the water molecule, warming the water.

Why do you get cold when you go swimming?

The water temperature is lower than your body. It is usually around 80 degrees. This difference makes you cold.

When you jump into a swimming pool why does the water feel cold to begin with?

because your body hasn't adjust to the temp to the pool

All about swimming?

Swimming is something when a person swims in a body of water.

Is warm water better for swimming in?

Taking a Dip in Cold WaterWhen you get into cold water, your blood vessels widen to allow warm blood to increase your body's temperature. Your body will eventually start closing the blood vessels to maintain your core body temperature and prevent organs from shutting down. The body cannot restrict blood flow for long, so your blood vessels reopen, which increases the risk of cold blood flowing to your organs and leading to hypothermia. Anything below 60 degrees Fahrenheit without a wetsuit can lead to shivering or cold shock. The severity of symptoms depends on your tolerance to cold temperatures, according to the National Center for Cold Water Safety.The Warm Water EffectSwimming in water that is too warm -- over 90 degrees Fahrenheit -- can lead to overheating and exhaustion -- particularly when you are exerting yourself by swimming several laps or a marathon. Warm water increases your body temperature, which also raises your sweat rate and quickens dehydration. Your body tries to cool itself down through sweat to regulate your body temperature. Profuse sweating can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes, which can effect muscle mobility. Open-water swimming in warm climates can expose you to water temperatures that are too warm, which can cause muscle spasms and severe fatigue. USA Swimming notes that sometimes warmer water can be appropriate, such as for Aquatic Therapy, but activities like that are supervised and not done for very long