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About a foot and a half, i should know!

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Q: If a human scrotum were cut how far would it stretch?
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Do you have to cut your scrotum?


What if cat's hair on scrotum is accidentally cut?

you don't have to worry. the hair will grow back. the cat will be okay, as long as you don't cut its scrotum...

Should you cut the hair of your scrotum?

Yee. Just be careful

How far can human testicle stretch?

A good 5 inches uncut, but if the sack is cut open it can stretch as far as a 2 story building, and still hold on to it like a grappling hook.

Do you cut a sash on the bias or straight to add to a dress?

I would do it on the bias as a belt is supposed to have a bit of stretch.

How would you cut fabric to give a garment the most stretch?

That will depend on the fabric. Some fabrics stretch in only one direction while other fabrics stretch in both directions (like polyester double knit). You will need to check your fabric to determine the maximum stretch.

What would happen if the human stomach was cut in half?

if the human stomach was cut in half you would see blood cells, the small intestine, the large intestineand lots of blood :) and y do u want to know

Why shouldn't you play with your bellybutton?

You could probably cut it, or stretch it out. But it is harmless

Is a cord cut when haing a physical castration?

yes all cords inside the scrotum are severed to release the testicles from the body

What is the diagonal line against fabric grain?

That is the bias. When you have a pattern that states "cut on bias" the pattern piece would be placed in a fastion that would be a "diagonal line against fabric grain". Pattern pieces cut in this fashion are sometimes more difficult to sew because when fabric is cut on the bias it gives the cut edge more of a stretch.

What is the most common use for a bias cut?

Fabric cut along the bias has stretch and allows it to go around curves

Can you get a scab on your scrotum?

no.. I'm a Doctor and if you have scabs that mostly means you have HIV. a very serious sexually transmitted disease.. and it means you like guys