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Q: If a intersex person has more female organ than male can they have a strong desire to be male?
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When your craving to have a relationship with someone is it lusting?

By definition yes, said person could be lusting to be in a relationship. Lusting can be defined as, a strong desire for something. So if you crave being in a relationship and have a strong desire for it, or the person you want to be with, then yes you could call it lusting. It doesn't always have to necessarily be a sexual desire.

What is strong desire?

a strong desire is when you want some thing very bad

What is it to lust on someone?

Lust is a strong desire or longing for someone, typically based on physical attraction or sexual desire. It involves a strong appetite for physical pleasure or gratification with that person. It is distinct from love, as it is focused more on physical desire rather than emotional connection.

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Anger is a strong emotional reaction to a wrong committed by another person accompanied by a desire to punish that person for the wrong committed.

Faint heart never won fair lady?

Strong desire can lead a person to they're destiny.

Why did Michael Jackson lusted over his fans?

Lust is an act of strong sexual desire.So therefore Michael was talking about his strong sexual desire of his female fans,and no my baby was not gay nor a child molester ;)

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Hankering means "a strong urge" or "a strong desire"

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to achieve

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Eager or motivated by ambitionAnswerHaving a strong desire for success desire of power, fame, honor; object of that desire

A four-letter word of strong desiere?

Urge is a very strong desire