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There are very few reasons this should be happening without needing to see a doctor, one of which is through the use if drugs which halt reaching an orgasm.

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Q: If a man does not ejaculate any semen is something wrong?
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Is ejaculation of semen very often causes any health problems to male?

I'm not completely sure but i think i read something that its good if you ejaculate at least once or twice a week

Is there any tips on producing more semen or sperm because I think I've got a low count......about half a teaspoon I'm are 15 if this changes anything?

There aren't really any ways to increase the quantity of semen that you ejaculate. However from half a teaspoon to around a full tablespoon are probably average quantities. As a you get a little older your testes may still grow some more before puberty is over and you may produce more semen then. Also each time you ejaculate it takes a while for your testes to replace the semen which you have just lost. If you ejaculate soon after a previous ejaculation your body may not have had time to replace the lost semen so each successive ejaculate is likely to be a little less than the one before. If you leave it for a while before you next ejaculate you may find that you ejaculate more. Answer: I have heard that Mountin Dew increases your sperm count but im not sure if it works but its worth a try

Why do I have enormous amounts of pre-ejaculate fluid and semen?

any amount it technically normal but if its like cups, i think you should talk to your doctor.

How much semen does an average 12 year old male ejaculate?

At that age you will not have any unless you have started puberty early. Everyone is different.

Do drugs affect semen texture?

The only drug that may affect your semen is cocaine; sometimes the properties of cocaine can mix up with the properties of your semen, causing you to ejaculate little cocaine, and more semen. However, if you have a infection through drugs, in most cases, you still may not feel any difference in texture.

Why don't I produce semen at age 17?

It may not be easy to talk about, but you should discuss this with your doctor. Are you certain that you do not? Is there any ejaculate at all? If there is, are you assuming for some reason that it does not contain semen? Whatever the situation, talking with your doctor is the only way that you can get resolution on this.

Is it possible for the prostate gland to rupture and leak semen from the anus?

Yes, it is possible for the prostate gland to rupture due to trauma or infection, but it is rare. If a rupture occurs, it can lead to the leakage of semen into the surrounding tissues, which can sometimes be expelled through the anus. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

How old are you when you have semen?

It's when you're in the middle of puberty. I'm guessing 12-14... im 12 and I can ejaculate some. Its about the middle of puberty as i said.

How can you tell if white marks on underwear is semen?

White marks on underwear can be indicative of dried semen, though they could also be caused by other substances like vaginal discharge or laundry detergent. To confirm if it is semen, consider the context of when and how the marks appeared. If unsure or concerned, washing the underwear in cold water can preserve any evidence for testing.

If a a guy cumes out side of a girl and insert the penis again can you get pregnant?

Yes you can. When a male ejaculates, his semen exits through his penis... you already know this. But what many don't know or remember is that some of that semen gets trapped inside of the penis and needs to be flushed out. So, if a male ejaculates outside of a woman and re-enters her (assuming he can still go) that leftover semen will either leak into her or be flushed out by more precum.

Should you be concerned if your semen is a pinkish color?

If your ejaculate is coming out pinkish, I would suspect it to be tinted by diluted blood. Even though it may just be a bit of blood in your semen, I would go immediately to see a Urologist, because blood in any amount should NOT be in your ejaculate. It may not be life threatening, but you should see a doctor that specializes in this area. Don't put it off and don't be embarrased to see a Urologist; they examine the scrotum and penis a hundred times a day. Pinkish ejaculate is NOT NORMAL. GOOD LUCK!

What is the meaning of puny load?

Well, it could mean several different things, however I have a sneaking suspicion that in this case "load" is referring to a quantity of ejaculate (or semen) produced when a man orgasms. Therefore "puny load" would refer to an instance where a man hardly produces any semen.