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yes they have the same rights as any "father" would.

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Q: If a minor girl gets pregnant by a minor boy does the boy or his parents have any rights to the child?
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What are your rights if pregnant at sixteen wants to leave home and live with father?

If you live in the US, your rights in this regard can be summed up in one word--none. Being pregnant and/or having a child, does not give a minor any adult rights. You are merely a pregnant minor and you are still subject to the control and authority of your parents.

Can a parent take the child of their minor pregnant daughter upon the birth of the child against the will of the pregnant minor?

No, they cannot legally take the child away. Though a minor, the parent does have rights regarding the child.

Can a girl move out at 17 without parents consent if pregnant in Pennsylvania?

Being pregnant does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

Can a pregnant teen move out at sixteen in the state of Illinois with out parents perrmisson?

Being pregnant does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

Can a 16 year old move out of her parents' house in Arkansas if she is pregnant?

Being pregnant does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

Can a 17 year old move out of their parents house in ny if she has a kid?

Being pregnant or having a child does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

Will the custodial parent lose child support on the minor if the minor becomes pregnant?

No. The minor has the same needs as before which the parents have to pay for. The minor and the father of her child will have to pay for their own child.

Do child support payments have to be made to custodial parent if child is pregnant?

If you live in the US... Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor. Therefore, the minor's parents are still responsible for supporting them (but not for supporting the minor's child), and the child support must still be paid.

Can a 17-year-old who has a 6 month old child legally move out?

No. Being pregnant or having a child does not automatically confer emancipation rights to a minor. If the minor female left the family home against parental wishes the parents would have legal recourse to have her returned to their custody and/or petition the court for guardianship rights to her minor child if they so chose.

Seventeen and pregnant what are your legal rights?

In the US, the minor would have the right to make medical decisions regarding the pregnancy, and once the child is born they would have parental rights over the child. That is the extent of their rights. A 17-year-old, pregnant or not, is still a minor and therefore subject their own parents rules--in other words, being pregnant/giving birth does not emancipate a minor.

Can a 16-year-old who is married and pregnant move out and live with their spouse in Ohio?

Yes, the legal marriage of a minor pregnant or not confers emancipation status. However, the issue of a minor being pregnant or having a child does not confer automatic emancipation rights. Yes. If you are married, there is nothing your parents can do.

Does a minor boy who got a minor girl pregnant have financial responsibilities toward the mother and child or can the minor girl's parents force the minor boy's parents to help out financially?

not if he runs and hides