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Q: If a minor has a baby does she have full custody or does her parents?
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Can a minor have full custody of a child?


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The parents have to give their full consent to it, but if they're against it, you'll have to go to court to seek custody or guardianship of the minor.

Is it a law that if your pregnant and under-aged that the mother parents have full custody of the baby?

That's selective according to individual state laws

My sister is 15 and had a baby with her boyfriend They live in separate houses does my sister have full custody and if they are still dating can the dad get partial custody?

As it appears to me that both are minors , and as your sister is only 15 years of age , and a minor so there is no chance of her earning money and supporting the baby. Then here the father will get full custody , till they both are adults and earning people.

Do the court allows full custody of a minor son to his mother?

Yes they can do that.

If a person dies and the baby's father is in jail could the maternal grandparents get full custody of the child?

The baby's grandparents could get custody.

Can a minor be married with only the consent of the custodial parent?

It does depend on a lot of things, where you are, how old you are, whether you have any children etc. If your custodial parents are your legal guardians then their consent should be taken as parents would be, but to determine the law more information would need to be provided. Yes if the consenting parent is the one who holds full legal custody of the minor who wishes to marry. If his or her parents hold any form of joint custody then both parents must consent to the marriage.

Do you need both parents permission to change your name if your mom has full custody and approves?


What is the difference between having full cusody and having primary custody?

Full custody is defined as one parent of a child having sole control over a minor child with the other having no custodial rights. Primary custody means that both parents share custody (also known as joint custody) but the primary custodian is the parent that the child spends most fo their time with/lives with on a regular basis. In other words, the parent that is not the primary custodian is the one that has the visitation rights.

Can a father take baby when mother has full custody?

Not legally. Father can be charged with kidnapping.

Does the surrogacy mother have a chance at custody of the child?

As long as the Intended parents have a legal contract with the surrogate that states that they will assume full custody, the surrogate has NO rights to the child and no chance of gaining custody.

What are the chances of a baby's father to get full custody when he wasn't even there for the pregnancy?

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