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No. I have never heard of that as being a symptom.

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Q: If a person has prostate cancer could limping while walking be a symptom?
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Is painful urination a symptom of prostate cancer?

From what I learned in college, yes it can be. But this can also be a symptom of a bladder infection.

Do you get a fever with prostate cancer?

That would not be a typical symptom. If you have a fever, it is likely due to some other illness.

What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

Is diarrhea one of the last stages of prostate cancer?

Diarrhea is not typically considered one of the hallmark symptoms of advanced prostate cancer. Instead, diarrhea is more commonly associated with certain treatments for prostate cancer, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, rather than being a direct symptom of the disease itself. However, in some cases, advanced prostate cancer can spread to the bones, particularly the spine, which may lead to compression of the spinal cord or nerves. This compression can result in a condition known as cauda equina syndrome, which can cause bowel and bladder dysfunction, including diarrhea, along with other symptoms such as urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating. It's essential to differentiate between symptoms caused directly by prostate cancer itself and those resulting from its spread or from side effects of treatment. If someone with prostate cancer experiences persistent diarrhea or any other new or concerning symptoms, they should seek medical attention promptly to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate management. Overall, while diarrhea is not typically considered a primary symptom of advanced prostate cancer, it's essential for individuals with prostate cancer to discuss any changes in symptoms or concerns with their healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care and appropriate management.

What is the contact information for The Prostate Cancer Infolink?

The Prostate Cancer Infolink.

Is prostate cancer phase IV very painful?

It depends on the patient. But normally, it is very uncomfortable. If it moves to the bones, then extreme pain can be a typical symptom.

Where can I learn about prostate health?

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, the U.S. Army's Prostate Cancer Research Program, the Institute for Prostate Cancer Research, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all provide information on the latest research on prostate cancer.

What different treatments are there to cure prostate cancer?

Procedures to treat prostate cancer and chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. Surgery can include removal of cancer from the prostate, or removal of prostate gland.

When was Prostate Cancer Foundation created?

Prostate Cancer Foundation was created in 1993.

Is musturbration causes prostate cancer in male?

Masterbation does not cause prostate cancer.

How can prostate cancer a ffect your penis?

Prostate cancer treatments will make you impotent.

Is there a correlation between prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy?

No. Someone having an enlarged prostate does not mean they will develop cancer.