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no but it hampers ur jaundice ur immune gets reduced & smoking further decrease ur immune

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Q: If a person has recovered from jaundice is smoking causes again jaundice?
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What is the organism which causes Yellow Jaundice called?

u cause jaundice since the microorganisms in ur body spread to another person.

How people smoking causes pollution?

smoking mainly causes pollution inside of the person. specifically in the lungs. the lungs turn black and get polluted. this makes it harder for the smoker to breathe. this causes other health problems too! what ever you do, DO NOT SMOKE!

Should a person receive chemotherapy while having jaundice?

A person with jaundice can have chemotherapy. Jaundice is a disease of a blockage within the liver and/or bile ducts. If there is cancer causing the blockage/jaundice, then chemotherapy may help shrink the tumor to relieve the blockage and relieve the jaundice. The oncologist will decide which type of chemo and which dose is the most appropriate.

What type of food should you give someone that has old jaundice?

A person that old jaundice can be given just about anything they want to eat. Food does not effect jaundice.

Is jaundice a bacterial disease?

No, Jaundice is a yellow color of the skin caused by certain diseases. Some of these diseases are viral. For example, jaundice can be a symptom of Hepatitis A, a disease of the liver which is caused by a virus and which is infectious (it can be transmitted from person to person).

What is the future health condition of a person who is affetced by jaundice twice in his childhood?

It would depend what condition caused the jaundice.

Does jaundice spread ifinfected person is close to other person?

No, jaundice is not contagious. Jaundice is a result of metabolic interruption, often caused by an obstruction of the bile ducts. Because the bile cannot leave the body naturally (in your faeces), it enters the blood stream and turns you yellow. A common cause of jaundice is gallstones, so jaundice is no more contagious than gallstones!

What are some of the causes for hypopnea?

Some of the causes for hypopnea are obesity, smoking, and alcohol abuse. All of these causes can be regulated and controlled by the person. The solutions to these problems are to lower your calorie intake, quit smoking, and quit drinking.

Why does a person skin turn yellow along with eyes?


Can jaundice person have curd?

yes. infact it is advised to do so.

Is yellow jaundice contagious?


Modes of jaundice transmission?

through mosquitoes that bite the infected person