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First of all DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDED! It is not worth it! You were placed on this earth for a reason! You are going to make a difference. You are worth so much that a man died on the cross for you to forgive your sins and so you could have a relationship with HIM. His name is Jesus! HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!! You are a special person. Don't end your life start a relationship with Jesus. Tell him he is listening!

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Q: If a person in his sound state of health wants to commit suicide with satisfaction then is it moral or immoral?
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What percent of children who commit suicide have a mental health disorder or depression?

The urge to commit suicide is a symptom of a mental or emotional disorder, so it is reasonable to say that 100% of children who commit suicide have a disorder or very serious depression (which is a disorder.)

If someone tells you that they are going to commit suicide and tell you not to tell anyone what should you do as a health care worker?

Health care workers are both legally and ethically bound to report someone who intends to commit suicide or otherwise do themselves harm. The same is true of psychiatrists and priests. This also applies to the intent to commit a crime.

How did Olivia Penpraze commit suicide?

She hung herself in an psychiatric hospital, while under the care of mental health specialists.

What group of people are least likely to commit suicide?

People who have strong social connections, good mental health support, and access to mental health resources are least likely to commit suicide. Strong relationships and a supportive environment can help prevent feelings of isolation and hopelessness that often contribute to suicidal thoughts.

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You presss the code if you have PS2:Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1 and you commit suicide, unless you have pressed the infinite health code. Then you can't commit suicide!

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Do pelicans commit suicide?

No, of course they don't. Animals don't have mental health problems, unlike humans. They try to protect themselves from death, as that is in their nature. :)

What is the oldest age of a person to commit suicide?

The youngest age I've heard of was about an 11 year old boy that committed suicide due to cruel and continuous harassment by peers.However -- I don't believe there is an average age for committing suicide. It just depends on the mental/emotional health of the individual.

Is it illegal to commit suicide in western Australia?

Attempting suicide is not a criminal offense in Western Australia. However, it is highly recommended to seek help from mental health professionals and support services if you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide. There are resources available to provide assistance and support during difficult times.

What percentage of alcoholics commit suicide?

Studies estimate that about 5-7% of individuals with alcohol use disorder die by suicide. However, it's important to note that suicide is a complex issue influenced by multiple factors beyond alcoholism. If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek help from a mental health professional or hotline.

Was Michael Jackson murdered or did he commit suicide or was it an accident?

As of June 25, 2009, it is believed to be none of the above, but rather the result of a heart attack, which would be a health problem, not an "accident" per se.

What is better to have health wealth or happiness?

all 3 for different reasons health because u could b the happiest person in the world and then just die. happiness because you could commit suicide wealth because you need money to survive in this world.