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Q: If a person is under deportation will marriage with permanent resident help him to stay in the US?
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Would you be deported for misdemeanor?

Generally, a person who is a permanent resident would not be deported for a misdemeanor. If it is a higher lever misdemeanor like a DUI or theft, deportation could occur.

Can a convicted felon who is married to a US citizen and has children apply for legal status to avoid deportation?

No. In all likelihood if the person already held permanent resident status it would be revoked and he would still be deported. no, but there are waivers available to avoid deportation contact an immigration lawyer for more information

It you got the us residency while married to a us citizen if divorced will you losse the residency?

It depends on the extent of time you have been a resident. If you are permanent resident, you will not lose your visa. However, if you are on a work permit issued due to marriage to a US Citizen or if you are on a temporary resident permit (this is given while awaiting the permanent card), these can be revoked and the person sent back to their country of origin

Can an illegal alien become legal by marriage to a US Citizen?

No, but the person you marry can sponsor your citizenship making it easier. It takes about a year, because the us citizen will be investigated and both people have to prove that it is a real marriage and not a ploy just to get citizenship.

What is penalty for marriage fraud if US citizen marries green card holder?

If the marriage was purely for the purpose of obtaining a Green card and if the USCIS comes to know of it, then the Green card will be revoked. The person will get to lose the legal permanent resident status.

Is a convicted immigrant eligible to remain in the US?

No. Illegal immigrants are subject to deportation with or without a criminal conviction. Permanent resident status and naturalized citizenship can be revoked if the circumstances warrant and the convicted person can be deported to his or her country of origin and permanently banned for applying for reentry into the US.

Do you have to stay married to a person after they return from deportation?

In the United States you must obtain a legal divorce to terminate a formal marriage.

Are permanent resident aliens illegal aliens?

An alien is not illegal as long as she/he has documentation of status. An alien who is documented to be a permanent resident is not illegal. If the alien does not have and never has had documentation of an immigration status, then that person is an illegal alien.

If you marry an illegal citizen and you are an American citizen do you have to live together if you have an alternative lifestyle?

First, there's no such thing as an illegal citizen. Second, there's no such thing as an alternative lifestyle. But if you are asking if a marriage between a gay person and an illegal immigrant of the opposite sex would be valid if it is not consummated, that depends upon the laws of the state where the marriage took place. If the marriage was made with the intent for the illegal alien to gain citizenship or permanent resident status, that won't happen. Marrying a U.S. citizen DOES NOT automatically confer citizenship or permanent resident status.

How long must a person be a permanent resident before filing an application for naturalization?

5 years

What makes a person a lawful permanent resident?

The rules on what would entitle a person to permanent residency of a country are variable. Each country has their own immigration laws which will differ from others.

If you are a Russian citizen marrying a Canadian citizen how long will it take to be a permanent resident?

Once a person from another nation marries a Canadian citizen, he or she becomes a permanent resident. The process takes approximately 50 days for the paperwork.