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Yes. You can execute a release of the life estate. That type of action would fall under selling or transferring an interest in real estate. The release should be recorded in the land records in order to clear the title to the real estate.

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No. An attorney-in-fact under a Power of Attorney operates at the request, the direction and convenience of the principal. The AIF has no control over the principal.

If the AIF thinks the principal is not capable of making their own decisions they can petition the court to be appointed the guardian. If that is the case, the AIF should consult with an attorney who can review the situation and explain the options. If appointed as guardian, the POA is extinguished and the guardian has the power to make decisions on behalf of the ward.

As for life estates, the owner of a life estate can release their life estate in writing and the release must be recorded in the land records to clear the title.

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Q: If a person wants to dissolve their life estate but has granted a Power of Attorney can the attorney-in-fact under the POA stop them from doing so?
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Yes, as long as the principal is living and the power of attorney is durable. Once the principal dies the POA is extinguished and the estate must be probated. The court will appoint an estate representative. On the other hand, if the principal is incapacitated the family can petition the probate court to appoint a guardian and if granted, the guardianship will supersede the POA and the POA will be extinguished.

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You need to consult with the attorney who handled the estate. The estate must be probated in order for legal title to real estate pass to the heir. The attorney can advise you about deed changes in your situation.You need to consult with the attorney who handled the estate. The estate must be probated in order for legal title to real estate pass to the heir. The attorney can advise you about deed changes in your situation.You need to consult with the attorney who handled the estate. The estate must be probated in order for legal title to real estate pass to the heir. The attorney can advise you about deed changes in your situation.You need to consult with the attorney who handled the estate. The estate must be probated in order for legal title to real estate pass to the heir. The attorney can advise you about deed changes in your situation.

Who is legally responsible for a mortgage after death?

The estate of the person who granted the mortgage is responsible for paying the mortgage. If there is no money in the estate to pay the mortgage the lender will take possession by foreclosure. However, if the beneficiaries and heirs desire to keep the property the mortgage must be paid or the lender will take possession of the property by foreclosure. You should consult with the attorney who is handling the estate.The estate of the person who granted the mortgage is responsible for paying the mortgage. If there is no money in the estate to pay the mortgage the lender will take possession by foreclosure. However, if the beneficiaries and heirs desire to keep the property the mortgage must be paid or the lender will take possession of the property by foreclosure. You should consult with the attorney who is handling the estate.The estate of the person who granted the mortgage is responsible for paying the mortgage. If there is no money in the estate to pay the mortgage the lender will take possession by foreclosure. However, if the beneficiaries and heirs desire to keep the property the mortgage must be paid or the lender will take possession of the property by foreclosure. You should consult with the attorney who is handling the estate.The estate of the person who granted the mortgage is responsible for paying the mortgage. If there is no money in the estate to pay the mortgage the lender will take possession by foreclosure. However, if the beneficiaries and heirs desire to keep the property the mortgage must be paid or the lender will take possession of the property by foreclosure. You should consult with the attorney who is handling the estate.

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