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eerrrr..... errrmmm.... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i dont know ask jeeves

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Q: If a reaction has an equilbrium constant just greater than 1 what type of reaction is it?
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If a eaction has an equilibrium constant just greater than 1 what type of reaction is it?


Name two reasons increasing the temperature speeds up a reaction?

1. Increased force of collisions of particles, so that they may react instead of just bouncing off of each other. 2. Increased frequency of collisions. More collisions = greater chance of reaction.

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How do you get a constant in math?

Remove the variable from a value or one side of an equation. A constant is just a number.

What is the reaction between Na OH and H Cl is called?

Ion-exchange reaction or just exchange reaction.

Is a cockaroach gross?

No, that is just your reaction to it.

What is difference between simple constant and arbitrary constant?

Constant is just a value, a fixed value that doesn't change. And arbitrary constant is a value that is fixed throughout multiple functions you pick for ease of calculations.

What does dreaming about a reaction to medication mean?

Just that you are probably paranoid about having a reaction and are worrying about it.

Which is greater 5.002 or 5.200?

5.200 or just 5.2 is greater

What is the difference between moving at a constant speed and not moving at all?

None, as "not moving at all" is just moving at a constant speed of zero. Special relativity shows that there is nothing unique or different about zero speed. It is just a value of constant speed.

Why fire is burning up?

First of all the fire that you see is just the light emitted by a chemical reaction called oxidation. This reaction consumes energy, in the form of oxygen and a flammable material such as wood. If either one runs out the fire dies. So in short, fire requires a constant supply of energy and that runs out so fire 'burns up'.

Which would have the lowest activation energy?

Activation energy is just the energy needed to start a reaction, so it is not clear which has the lowest. Some reactions have negative reaction energy, which is just equivalent to a barrierless reaction.