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Q: If a ring is fake is there a way to coat it so you don't get green on your finger?
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Related questions

Does it mean your ring is fake if it turns your finger green?


How can I tell if my ring is real or fake?

when you put on a ring keep it on for about an hour or two and then take it off and if your finger is green or a dark green or a fade green it is fake but if your finger is plan like when you first put it on most likely your ring is real.

Is there a way to tell if a 20 dollar American bill is fake?

just rake your finger nail across jacksons coat you can fill ridges in the ink

How would you get green food coloring out of a white fake fur coat?

Any laundry stain remover that has Oxy chemicals will get green food coloring out of a white fake fur coat. But, it has to be done before the stain dries for best results. If the stain has already dried, use a paste of baking soda and water and rub gently, then use the Oxy stain remover.

Which finger did Wormtail cut off to fake his death?

His index finger

Do they paint the field green for the Rose Bowl?

no i dont think so i just think theyput fake grass

Why does your finger go green when you wear a fake ring?

It could be you are allergic to the metal the ring is made out of. also, make sure to take off your ring when you wash your hands, and then dry them really well before putting the ring back on. That way it will prevent your finger from turning green.

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What do you do when you slam your finger nail in a door?

Well, first you should put an ice pack on your finger with a teatowl and then rest it dont move it

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They are FAKE sexy lil green jk i dont know the truth are u kidding me?

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Is there a way to make rings with fake metal not turn your finger green?

Applying clear nail polish on the inside of the ring will prevent the ring's direct contact with your fingure.