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Q: If a rug absorbs all rays except blue it will appear blue?
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Do chlorophyll absorbs red light?

yes also blue light rays

Does ozone absorbs x rays?

No, it doesn't. It only absorbs UV rays.

How does the stratospheric ozone layer protect the biosphere?

The stratospheric ozone protects the biosphere. It absorbs the UV rays of the sun.

What gas absorbs ultraviolet rays with 50NM wavelength?

Ozone absorbs the UV rays. These are high energy radiations.

Ozone gas in earth's atmosphere absorbs infrares rays from sun?

Ozone gas in earth's atmosphere absorbs UV rays. It does not absorb infrared rays.

Why is the earth blue and green?

becasue that is how our eyes fromat it, the sea is blue because it is and land in gernrally known as green from the greek story books! he earth is blue and green because the seven rays of light emitted from the sun are passed through the atmosphere, these seven rays of light contain: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet When these rays of light hit an object, it absorbs a certain colour of light, or multiple, and when it absorbs this/these colour(s) your eyes format that colour and basically you see that the grass is green because the grass has absorbed the green light, and that the sea is blue, because it absorbs the blue light. This light reflects off these objects and into your eyes.

What does earths atmosphere do to x rays?

The atmosphere absorbs X rays.

Why is he sky blue in he midle of he day?

The phenomenon is called Rayleigh scattering. White light from the Sun is scattered going through the atmosphere. The Sun's rays coming pretty much straight down aren't scattered much, but rays going sideways through the atmosphere - the sunrise and sunset rays - are scattered. Red light is scattered least, so those sunset rays make it through to make the sky appear red, while blue rays are scattered more. The blue light rays are scattered toward the ground, and this makes the sky appear blue.

What is the layer of black pigment cells which absorbs light rays called?

You are thinking of Melanocytes. Which contain and create the melanin. The melanin is the pigment which then makes them appear dark.

What layer absorbs uva rays?


What does the ozone do foe the stratosphere?

Ozone absorbs the UV rays. These are fatal rays from the sun.

Ozone which obsorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun?

It absorbs UV rays from the sun. These are fatal rays of the sun.