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Q: If a satellite's radial velocity is zero at all times its orbit must be elliptical or parabolic?
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Which direction does a space shuttle reenter earth?

When the Space Shuttles were still in service, they re-entered Earth's atmosphereby altering their orbit to add a small negative radial component (downward) to theirvelocity, in addition to the large tangential component. By properly controlling thecomponents of their velocity and the attitude of their craft, the crew were able tosteadily decrease both their velocity and their altitude, and hopefully, with the helpfrom on high, avoid re-entering the Earth.

Who is best suited to radial keratotomy?

Radial keratotomy is one of several surgical techniques to correct nearsightedness, reducing or eliminating the need for corrective lenses.

When a star or galaxy moves quickly away it is called what?

We can measure fairly accurately the radial speed of a star or galaxy by measuring the Doppler shift of the emitted light from the star. Stars emit specific frequencies of light, and we can measure the frequencies to determine what elements are contained within the star. But since we know exactly what the frequencies are, we can measure the precise frequencies that we measure from the star. A star moving toward us will have its light "blue-shifted", or compressed a tiny bit in frequency. The amount of the compression tells us the radial velocity. A star whose light is red-shifted is moving away from us. Radial velocity is the part of the velocity that is directly toward or away from us; Doppler shifts don't tell us anything about a star's side-to-side motion. One of the astonishing discoveries of Edwin Hubble is that most galaxies are moving away from us, and the farther away they are, the faster they seem to be receding. Some nearby galaxies are moving closer, but the more distant the galaxy, the faster it is moving moving away. He determined this by the "red shift" of the light from distant galaxies.

What is the definition of radial arrangement?

regular distribution of and object around a central axis

Would a light source moving away from Earth appear blue shifted or red shifted?

A red shift indicates an object that is moving away from the observer, and a blue shift indicates an object that is moving toward the observer. Both of these are called Doppler shifts.

Related questions

A satellite in an elliptical orbit travels at constant what?

If the path is perfectly circular, yes, the speed is constant. This should not be confused with the velocity, because while speed is constant, its direction is not; therefore velocity is always changing.

What is average radial velocity of Mars?

The average radial velocity of Mars is 1.85° that is inclined to the ecliptic. While its inclination to the Sunâ??s equator 5.65° and its inclination to an invariable plane is 1.67°.

What is the relationship between radial force and angular velocity squared?

The relationship between radial force and angular velocity squared is described by the centripetal force equation, which states that the radial force required to keep an object moving in a circular path is equal to the mass of the object times the square of its angular velocity, multiplied by the radius of the circular path. This relationship shows that an increase in angular velocity will result in a corresponding increase in the radial force needed to maintain the object's circular motion.

Is the wobble method the same method as the radial velocity method?

yes it is

How do you draw velocity and acceleration diagrams?

Velocity diagrams are drawn perpendicular to the link ....whereas acceleration diagrams are drawn by knowing the values 2 components radial or centripetal component and tangential component.......the radial component moves parallel to the link and perpendicular to the velocity diagram.....but the tangential component moves perpendicular to the link and parallel to the velocity diagram .

What is the difference between tangential and radial acceleration?

Answer Both refer to an object that is in a cirular motion. Radial Acceleration is a velocity change of the object as it moves away from the center of rotation. Tangential Velocity is a change of velocity of the object as it moves in a line that is tangential to the circular path it is moving.

What is the most commonly used method for discovering exoplanets?

Radial Velocity (AKA Doppler Shift)

What characterizes constant velocity motion on a position time graph?

A straight line with a constant slope. But the reverse is not true. A straight line with a constant slope only means constant speed in the radial direction. The velocity may have components at right angles to the radial direction that are changing.

What is the radial velocity 55 Cancri e 0 1 2 what is it mean last digit birthday emans?

The radial velocity 55 Cancri e 0 1 2 is a binary star in the constellation of cancer. It is around 41 light years from the earth in 2010.

How do you find tangential velocity?

Tangential velocity can be found by multiplying the angular velocity (in radians per second) by the distance from the axis of rotation to the point of interest. It represents the speed at which an object is moving around a circle or rotating about a point.

What are the advantages of velocity time graph?

Velocity-time graphs provide a visual representation of an object's velocity over time, making it easy to interpret the object's motion. They can help identify changes in velocity, determine acceleration or deceleration, and calculate distance traveled. Comparing multiple velocity-time graphs can also help analyze and compare the motion of different objects.

For the Doppler effect to occur?

For the Doppler effect to occur the measured object must be in motion (radial velocity) relative to the emitter of a wave.