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Q: If a virus differs from other pathogens is it more dangerous?
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What is a virus and bacterium?

Live pathogens

How are vectors and viruses related?

They are related in that vectors are the organisms carrying the pathogens or virus itself. A virus relies on the vectors to spread to other organisms and reproduce.

How is HIV different from other virus pathogens?

HIV is a retro virus, that infects your immune cells. The virus attaches to CD4 receptors on T-cell (the cells that are part of the immune system.)

Is tennis a virus or pathogens?

Neither. It is a sport.

What would happen if we had no immune system?

You would quite probably be dead within a month especially if you lived in an area where dangerous pathogens are prevalent like Africa which has the Ebola Virus.

What type pathogens cause polio?

Polio virus

What types of pathogens are specific to the nose?

infleunzae virus

What are transient pathogens?

transient means to cross over and pathogens are disease causing bacterium or virus so transient pathogens are those which can cause cross infection

What are the name for two blood borne pathogens?

Hepatitis B Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus

What happens when genes are altered by a deadly virus?

they change their DNA and turn into a virus and can now be dangerous they change their DNA and turn into a virus and can now be dangerous they change their DNA and turn into a virus and can now be dangerous they change their DNA and turn into a virus and can now be dangerous

What is the differet between virus and virod?

Virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms Virus can infect all type of life form such as animal ,plant and microorganism ,bacteria and archaea Viroid are a smallest infectious pathogens known but larger only prions Viroid can infect mostly plant pathogens

What is a disease-producing agent espescially a virus or bacterium called?
