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Sure, why not?

Sure, why not?

Sure, why not?

Sure, why not?

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Sure, why not?

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Q: If a women is pregnant can the man still suck on the women's breast during intercourse?
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How do you make awoman pregnant?

Sexual Intercourse with the man ejaculating inside the womens vagina....and it may take years to make the women pregnant.

Why do womens breast's get bigger after weining?

Because they have to hold a lot of breast milk.

Do womens breast get bigger by drinking milk?

No.... Why Think That?

Should pregnant womens be tested for aids?

Pregnant women should definitely be tested for AIDS to protect and possibly prevent the risk of infecting the unborn child. Also, it is obvious the woman has had sexual intercourse, so the woman and the man should know their status.

Did womens NATURAL breast get bigger in last fifty years?


Why is the pink robin the sybmol for breast cancer?

Pink it is related to womens and breast cancer it is more commone in women tham in males.

Can you take ursodiol while I'm pregnant?

I was wondering the same thing and here is what I found. It looks like you can. I found a baby forums where pregnant womens where discussing being prescribed ursodiol. However, I also found information (see related links below) on the drug stating that the effects on pregnant or breast feeding mothers is unknown.

Why men kiss on breast?

if you mean womens breasts then it is a way to express love for your body

Do womens breast get longer as they get older?

No, as you get older your breast tissue becomes tender and the skin isn't as elastic as before and then gravity starts taking its place.

How do you attract lesbiens?

you put alot of pregnant womens pea on your body

Is watching womens breast a sin?

Depending on Religion really as a catholic I'm pretty sure it is.

Is it inopropitae for a man to touch a womens breast?

Answer: Nope. Answer: If you are married to the woman, and you are in a private place, then no. Otherwise yes.