

If aggregate expenditures are less than GDP then?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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inventories will increase and real GDP will decline.

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Q: If aggregate expenditures are less than GDP then?
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If aggregate planned expenditures are greater than total production?

GDP will decrease

Ratio of change in GDP to an initial change in aggregate expenditures what?

Spending multiplier

In the keynesian model of aggregate expenditure real GDP is determined by what?

The aggregate expenditure model relates aggregate expenditures, which is the sum of planned level of consumption + investment + government purchases + net exports at a given price level, to the level of GDP. The key word here is planned. GDP is the same as aggregate expenditures(AE) except for one difference. People, firms and governments don't always spend what they had planned. So AE differs from GDP in that it deals exclusively with amounts firms intend to invest, and not necessarily taking into account amounts that will actually be invested as in GDP Where GDP is defined as C + I + G + NX and I = Ip + Iu (planned + unplanned investment), Aggregate Expenditures is defined as C + Ip + G + NX. AE (Aggregate Expenditure) is used in conjunction with GDP in the Aggregate Expenditures Model to predict future GDP direction. In this model, when AE = GDP then the economy is in equilibrium. According to this model an economy will move towards its equilibrium causing changes in the GDP.

If full employment in this economy is 130 million will there be an inflationary expenditure gap or a recessionary gap What will be the consequence of this gap By how much would aggregate expenditures?

A recessionary gap. Equilibrium GDP is $600 billion, while full employment GDP is $700 billion. Employment will be 20 million less than at full employment. Aggregate expenditures would have to increase by $20 billion (= $700 billion -$680 billion) at each level of GDP to eliminate the recessionary gap. The MPC is .8, so the multiplier is 5.

What happens when aggregate planned expenditure exceeds real GDP?

If aggregate planned expenditure exceed real GDP, firms sell more than they planned to sell and end up with inventories being too low. vice versa if aggregate planned expenditure is less than real GDP, firms sell lessthan they planned to sell and end up with unplanned inventories.

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If aggregate planned expenditures are greater than total production?

GDP will decrease

Ratio of change in GDP to an initial change in aggregate expenditures what?

Spending multiplier

In the keynesian model of aggregate expenditure real GDP is determined by what?

The aggregate expenditure model relates aggregate expenditures, which is the sum of planned level of consumption + investment + government purchases + net exports at a given price level, to the level of GDP. The key word here is planned. GDP is the same as aggregate expenditures(AE) except for one difference. People, firms and governments don't always spend what they had planned. So AE differs from GDP in that it deals exclusively with amounts firms intend to invest, and not necessarily taking into account amounts that will actually be invested as in GDP Where GDP is defined as C + I + G + NX and I = Ip + Iu (planned + unplanned investment), Aggregate Expenditures is defined as C + Ip + G + NX. AE (Aggregate Expenditure) is used in conjunction with GDP in the Aggregate Expenditures Model to predict future GDP direction. In this model, when AE = GDP then the economy is in equilibrium. According to this model an economy will move towards its equilibrium causing changes in the GDP.

If full employment in this economy is 130 million will there be an inflationary expenditure gap or a recessionary gap What will be the consequence of this gap By how much would aggregate expenditures?

A recessionary gap. Equilibrium GDP is $600 billion, while full employment GDP is $700 billion. Employment will be 20 million less than at full employment. Aggregate expenditures would have to increase by $20 billion (= $700 billion -$680 billion) at each level of GDP to eliminate the recessionary gap. The MPC is .8, so the multiplier is 5.

What happens when aggregate planned expenditure exceeds real GDP?

If aggregate planned expenditure exceed real GDP, firms sell more than they planned to sell and end up with inventories being too low. vice versa if aggregate planned expenditure is less than real GDP, firms sell lessthan they planned to sell and end up with unplanned inventories.

In order to establish macroeconomics equilibrium real GDP or income Y in the absents of taxes must equal the aggregate expenditures are greater than income real GDP or 2 aggregated expen?

macroeconics equillibrium agregate supply and demand -2p+85 3p+25

What is the relationship between aggregate expenditure and real GDP?

There is a direct proportional relationship between aggregate expenditure and real GDP. Aggregate expenditure is actually equal to real GDP. This is different from the planned expenditure.

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hy do economists use resl GDP rather than nominal GDP to gauge economic well-being?

Does Mexico spend more money on defense than on education?

No. Actually, Mexico's expenditures are higher for education than for defense: Proportion on defense: 0.59% of GDP Proportion on education: 5.9% of GDP

What will happen to the equilibrium price level and the real GDP if the aggregate demand increases and aggregate supply decreases?

The equilibrium price level increases, but the real GDP change depends on how much aggregate demand and aggregate supply change by.

What will happen to the equilibrium price level and the real GDP if the aggregate demand decreases and aggregate supply increases?

The equilibrium price level increases, but the real GDP change depends on how much aggregate demand and aggregate supply change by.

What will happen to the equilibrium price level and the real GDP if the aggregate demand decreases and aggregate supply decreases?

The equilibrium price level increases, but the real GDP change depends on how much aggregate demand and aggregate supply change by.