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Q: If all the hydrogen bonds in a DNA molecule were to break what would happen?
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How is a DNA molecule held together and separated by?

A DNA molecule is held together by its hydrogen bonds. The bonds are in between the bases of the molecule, for example cytosine and guanine. Because hydrogen bonds are weak, they are able to break apart easily and split when the molecule needs to be separated to bond with another DNA molecule for reproduction.

When hydrogen bonds break what happens to energy?

energ y is absorbed by the molecule to increase its kinetic energy

When water evaporates do the covalent bonds between O atoms and H atoms break or do the hydrogen bonds break and why?

The hydrogen bonds break.

What happens If all of the hydrogen bonds in a DNA molecule were to break?

The double helix would be torn into two single strands.

What does the cell get when it breaks the bonds of the glucose molecule?

when you break the bonds of the glucose molecule you get energy.

What types of bonds will break when frozen water is heated and becomes liquid?

Of course. The reason for water's solid structure when frozen is due only to hydrogen bonds, which form a type of crystal lattice structure. When heat is applied, these bonds break, and water becomes liquid once again. then you crap yourself.

What must happen to water in the liquid phases for it to become water in the gaseous phase?

The hydrogen bonds between Hydrogens of one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule must break. These are not actual bonds but they are interactions of the dipole moments produced by the difference in electronegativity between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a single water molecule. When enough heat or drop in pressure is produced the molecules will dissociate from one another and enter a vapor phase.

Why are oxidation reactions often associated with the production of ATP?

Oxygen is a fairly simple element to work with. It is found in many molecules and often forms hydrogen bonds with the other elements in that molecule; one example is a water molecule. Hydrogen bonds are the simplest bonds to break and breaking bonds releases ATP.

How does Hydrogen Bonding affect the density of ice?

Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid. This unusual property of water is due to hydrogen bonds. As water freezes, each molecule forms stable hydrogen bonds with its neighbors, holding them at "arm's length" and creating a three dimensional crystal. In Ice Hydrogen bonds are stable In liquid water hydrogen bonds constantly break and reform.

Why ethanol have higher boiling point than propane?

Ethanol molecules have the ability to form Hydrogen bonds with each other ( H from one molecule with O of another). Propane cannot form hydrogen bonds. Thus one needs more energy to break these bonds in order to evaporate.

What two things would happen if hydrogen bonds held the backbones together but covalent bonds held the templates together?

Hydrogen bonds are weak, but they are able to hold the backbones together. If covalent bonds held the templates together instead, the bonds would be even weaker and would likely break.

How do hydrogen bonds between nitrogen bonds break?

The question makes no sense. There's no such thing as a "nitrogen bond". If you mean "nitrogen atoms", then there are no hydrogen bonds between nitrogen atoms. If you mean "hydrogen bonds between a hydrogen and a nitrogen", then they break like any other hydrogen bond; they aren't really "bonds", just relatively strong electrostatic forces.