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it will have a negative charge. Neutrons are neutral, protons are positive and electrons are negative. an atom will have the same amount of protons and electrons to make the whole thing neutral. adding more electrons if give the atom a negative charge as there isn't enough protons in the atom to counteract the electrons.

it do this an atom must already have 5-7 electrons in its outer shell as they are looking to fill there outer shell with 8 electrons. atoms with 1-3 electrons in its outer shell will get rid of them. group 4 doesn't make ions very well as 4 electrons would take too much energy to lose or gain, however there are exceptions. group 8 or 0 doesn't make ions either as they already have filled there outer shell and are stable.

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3d ago

An atom that gains one or more electrons will have a negative charge, as electrons are negatively charged particles.

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15y ago

That atom will form an ion with a negative charge. Electrons have a negative charge so when they are added to an atom the overall charge becomes negative.

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14y ago

When an atom gains an eletron its charge becomes negative.

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10y ago

Gaining an electron will cause an atom to have a NEGATIVE charge because electrons have negative charges and atoms are neutral.

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12y ago

A negative charge.

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Q: If an atom that gains one or more electrons will have what charge?
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What results after an atom gains electrons?

Electrons have a positive charge and protons have a negative charge. An atom's nucleus is 99.95% of its weight. When an object gains more electrons, it gains a negative charge that over comes the positive charge. This only happens when there are more electrons than protons.

What happens when an element gains electrons?

If a neutral atom gains one or more electrons, then it will have a negative change. If a positive atom gains electrons, it will have an increase in change, but the charge may be negative, neutral, or positive based on the initial charge and number of electrons gained. The process in which an atom gains electrons is known as reduction.

What is the charge on atom if it gains electrons?

Depends on how many electrons it gains. For every electron it gains, the atom becomes more negative. One electron gives it a -1 charge, 2 a -2 charge and so on

What is a charge atom that has gained one or more electrons?

An atom that gains an electron because negatively charge by one unit of elementary charge (1.602X10-19 coulombs) like F- as an atom that gains 2 electron will have 2 negative elementary charge

What is a neutral atom that gains or loses electrons?

A neutral atom that gains or loses electrons becomes an ion. When an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion called an anion. When an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion called a cation.

What is an atom called when the number of protons is not equal to the number of electrons?

An atom with an unequal number of protons and electrons is called an ion. If there are more protons than electrons, it's a positively charged ion (cation). If there are more electrons, it's a negatively charged ion (anion).

What does an atom gain in a reduction reaction?

it gains one or more electrons thus becomeing more negative in charge

How is an atom given a neg charge?

In simple terms, an atom is made up of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. Protons have positive charge (+1), Neutrons have no charge (0), and Electrons have negative charge (-1). If an atom gains or loses Electrons, it's net charge changes. To result in a negative charge, the atom must have more Electrons than Protons.

How does an atom keep its charge balanced?

An atom keeps its charge balanced by having an equal number of protons with positive charge in the nucleus and electrons with negative charge surrounding the nucleus. The positive charge of the protons is balanced by the negative charge of the electrons, resulting in a neutral overall charge for the atom.

An atom may have a positive charge a negative charge or be electrically neutral How does an atom develop a negative charge?

It becomes negative only if gains more electrons. Once it gains electrons its now called an ion. ions form because they want to fill their valence electron shell.

What happens to the charge of an atom when it gains electron?

The charge of the atom is no longer neutral because the number of electrons is greater than the number of protons. Because the charge of the atom is now negative, it is now not a pure element, but an ion. An ion is an element that is no longer pure because it has gained or lost electrons. The charge of the ion is negative because it has more electrons than protons, and electrons have negative charges and protons have positive charges.

What kind of charge does an electron have when it gains or loses electrons?

Remember- Pro means + Therefore, a proton has a + charge, an electron has a - charge, and neutrons (neutral) have no charge. Normally an atom has an even number of protons and electrons, and can have any number of neutrons and still be the same element. When you add electrons, you end up with a slight negative charge because there are more negatively charged particles than positive ones. When you remove electrons, you get a slight positive charge, because there are now more positive particles than negative ones. This usually occurs as a result of polar covalent bonds. A atom with a slight charge in either direction is called an ion. A negative ion is a anion, while a positive ion is a cation.