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An anion is an ion with negative electrical charge.

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Q: If an atom has four valence electrons is it an anion?
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A carbon atom can bond with four other atoms because it has what valence electrons?

It has 4

How many valence does a carbon atom have?

Carbon has four valence electrons. Each of theseelectrons can pair with an electron from another atom to form a strong covalent bond. In carbon, all the electrons with the principal quantum number 2 are valence electrons, but the two electrons with principal quantum number 1 are not.

What factor dertemines that an oxygen atom can form two covalent bonds while a carbon atom can form four?

It is the number of unpaired electrons in their valence shells. Oxygen has two unpaired valence electrons and carbon has four unpaired valence electrons.

How many electrons are in the outer valence shell of a sulfur atom?

The outer valence shell of a sulfur atom contains a total of 6 electrons: two 3s electrons and four 3p electrons.

How many valance electrons does a neutral atom of silicon have?

That neutral silicon atom has four electrons in its valence shell.

How many total p electrons does an atom of Sn have?

there are four valence electrons in tin/

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How many valence electrons are available for a carbon atom?

Carbon has four valence at ground state has group four element

How can you tell from an element's number of valence elns whether the element is more likely to form a caor an anion?

If an element has less than four valence electrons, it will tend to lose its valence electrons and form cations. If an element has more than four valence electrons, it will tend to gain electrons and form anions. An element that has four valence electrons will tend to form covalent bonds rather than ionic bonds.

When an atom has four valence electrons how many bonds will it form with other atoms?

The carbon atom can form up to four covalent bonds.

How many valence electrons does silica have?


How many electrons does a carbon atom have in its outer energy level?

There are four electrons in the outer or valence shell of a neutral carbon atom.