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Q: If an atom were the size of a baseball stadium its nucleus would be about the size of what?
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Where is the proton located in an atom?

In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. The electrons are found around the nucleus. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a baseball! Most of the space in an atom is taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus. That is why atoms are actually mostly empty space.

Where is the proton in an atom?

In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. The electrons are found around the nucleus. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a baseball! Most of the space in an atom is taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus. That is why atoms are actually mostly empty space.

If the nucleus of an atom were the size of a marble then the atom itself would be the size of?

The atom itself would be the size of an NFL stadium.

What subatomic particle is not contained within the nucleus of an atom?

The electron is not located in the nucleus of an atom. Rather, they orbit around the outside of it.

If the orbit of the electron around an H nucleus were the perimeter of a football stadium how big would its nucleus be?

That depends on the size of the stadium to some extent, but if the proton (hydrogen nucleus) was 1 metre across, the hydrogen atom would be 100,000 metres across.

Why is indirect evidence important in studying the structure of the atom?

The atom is far too small to ever be examined directly. The diameter of a typical nucleus is only about 1/100,000 of the diameter of the entire atom and if an atom were magnified until it was as large as a football stadium, the nucleus would be about the size of a grape. Nearly all evidence of an atom's structure has been theorized.

Why is Indirect evidence important in the study structure of the atom?

The atom is far too small to ever be examined directly. The diameter of a typical nucleus is only about 1/100,000 of the diameter of the entire atom and if an atom were magnified until it was as large as a football stadium, the nucleus would be about the size of a grape. Nearly all evidence of an atom's structure has been theorized.

Explain how the relative sizes of the nucleus of an atom can be compared to that of a stadium and a marble?

Because the size of an atom is about 100-500 nm, while the size of the nucleus is about 0.001 nm. In other words, the nucleus is from to 10 000 to 50 000 times smaller than the atom in which it resides. By analogy, the size of a marble of 1 cm can be compared to the size of a stadium of 100-500 m

What would you find orbiting the nucleus of an atom?

If you're referring to the nucleus of an atom, the answer is electrons.

What is the center of an atom called?

The center of an atom is called a nucleus (nucleifor plural).Center of an atom is called the "Nucleus".

In an atom where would you find protons?

In the nucleus.

Where in the atom would you fine a proton?

in the nucleus.