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It actually depends how big the well is and if people are willing to take it out. Get a crane and pull it out.

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Q: If an elephant falls into a well how can it come out?
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Where did elephant come from?

elephants come from china

Why don't elephants survive on mountains?

because the weight of the elephant compresses the mountain, therefore the elephant falls to ground level with the mountain if you are dumb read below the elephant is fat and squishes the mountain

Where does Indian elephant sculpture come from?

India is the primary source of Indian Elephant sculpture.

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If you drop an elephant and an equal weight amount of feathers, the elephant will hit the ground first. The elephant falls faster than the feather because it never reaches a terminal velocity; it continues to accelerate as it falls accumulating more and more air resistance.

Where did the expression Dude come from?

An elephant's boodie!!!!!!!!

Do babies come from elephant eyes?

no,actully an elephant is a mammal so it would come out of the vagina(female's part)and i don't think they come from eyes the would be just wrong. :p

Can a snake kill an elephant?

Well it maters if the snake has enough poison. If it does not it can not kill an elephant.

What animal requires only two hours of sleep?

ELEPHANT WELL IT IS KNOWN that is a elephant

What silly bands pack does the rare green elephant come in?

i got a green elephant in the zoo pack.

What is a fully grown male elephant called?

Well, a baby elephant is called a calf just like a baby cow! Also you can learn to draw it as well in the most simplest way with Kids Fun Learn Club. The have their own website as well as they have their youtube channel as well were you can learn lot of cool drawings.