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The efficiency of the elevator can be calculated using the work input and work output. In this case, the work input is force x distance = 1200 N x 6 m = 7200 Nm, and the work output is force x distance = 1000 N x 6 m = 6000 Nm. Efficiency is work output / work input x 100%, so (6000 Nm / 7200 Nm) x 100% ≈ 83.3% efficient.

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Q: If an elevator uses 1200 N of force to carry 1000 N of people up 6 m how efficient is it?
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How the tension can be greater than gravity yet the elevator is moving downwards?

The tension can be greater than gravity when the elevator is accelerating downwards, causing a net force that exceeds the force of gravity acting on the elevator. This creates a situation where the tension in the elevator cable is greater than the force of gravity, allowing the elevator to move downwards.

If I am in an elevator that is traveling upward at constant speed How does weight compare to your normal weight on the ground?

Your weight in an elevator traveling upward at a constant speed would be the same as your normal weight on the ground. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, and as long as the elevator is not accelerating or decelerating, the gravitational force acting on you remains constant.

What forces are acting upon an elevator when going up?

When an elevator is going up, the main forces acting upon it are the gravitational force pulling it downward and the tension in the elevator cable pulling it upward. Additionally, there may be a frictional force acting against the motion, depending on the smoothness of the elevator ride.

Zach whose mass is 80 kg is in an elevator descending at 10 ms the elevator takes 3 s to brake to a stop at the first floor?

The force required to stop the elevator can be calculated using the equation F = m*a, where m is the mass of the person (80 kg) + mass of the elevator and a is the acceleration of the elevator (which is the velocity change divided by time). Once the force is calculated, it can be converted to the braking force needed by dividing it by 2, as each braked object resists the deceleration force equally.

How do you draw an elevator free body diagram?

To draw an elevator free body diagram, you would typically represent the elevator as a box with arrows showing the forces acting on it. Include the downward force of gravity acting on the elevator's mass and the normal force acting upward from the floor of the elevator to support it. If the elevator is accelerating or decelerating, also include a force arrow in the direction of acceleration or deceleration.

Related questions

How the tension can be greater than gravity yet the elevator is moving downwards?

The tension can be greater than gravity when the elevator is accelerating downwards, causing a net force that exceeds the force of gravity acting on the elevator. This creates a situation where the tension in the elevator cable is greater than the force of gravity, allowing the elevator to move downwards.

What force is needed to accelerate an elevator with a mass of 1000 kg upward at a rate of 2 m per second squared?

Weight of the elevator = 1000kg x -9.8m/s2 = -9800N Upward force acting on the elevator = 1000kg x 2m/s2 = 2000N Net force = upward force - weight of elevator = 2000N - (-9800N) = 11800N

Is a woman pushing an elevator button exerting a force?

Yes, when a woman pushes an elevator button, she is exerting a force by applying pressure to the button. This force is what activates the elevator mechanism to move to the desired floor.

If I am in an elevator that is traveling upward at constant speed How does weight compare to your normal weight on the ground?

Your weight in an elevator traveling upward at a constant speed would be the same as your normal weight on the ground. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, and as long as the elevator is not accelerating or decelerating, the gravitational force acting on you remains constant.

What are the two forces acting on a person as they move up and down in an elevator and when are these two forces equal and when are they not equal?

The two forces acting on a person in an elevator are gravity pulling the person down and the elevator floor pushing the person up. These forces are equal when the elevator is moving at a constant speed or when it is stationary. They are not equal when the elevator is accelerating or decelerating.

What forces are acting upon an elevator when going up?

When an elevator is going up, the main forces acting upon it are the gravitational force pulling it downward and the tension in the elevator cable pulling it upward. Additionally, there may be a frictional force acting against the motion, depending on the smoothness of the elevator ride.

Zach whose mass is 80 kg is in an elevator descending at 10 ms the elevator takes 3 s to brake to a stop at the first floor?

The force required to stop the elevator can be calculated using the equation F = m*a, where m is the mass of the person (80 kg) + mass of the elevator and a is the acceleration of the elevator (which is the velocity change divided by time). Once the force is calculated, it can be converted to the braking force needed by dividing it by 2, as each braked object resists the deceleration force equally.

How do you draw an elevator free body diagram?

To draw an elevator free body diagram, you would typically represent the elevator as a box with arrows showing the forces acting on it. Include the downward force of gravity acting on the elevator's mass and the normal force acting upward from the floor of the elevator to support it. If the elevator is accelerating or decelerating, also include a force arrow in the direction of acceleration or deceleration.

Is there work done on a person ascending an elevator?

No work is done on a person ascending an elevator as the force is in the same direction as the displacement, resulting in zero work done by the force moving the person.

What happens to the reading on the scale as the elevator begin to move upward?

As the elevator moves upward, the reading on the scale will temporarily increase. This is because the scale measures the force exerted by the person standing on it, which includes their weight and an additional force due to the upward acceleration of the elevator.

What is the force on a 1000 kilogram elevator that is falling freely under the acceleration of gravity?

Force = mass * acceleration Since the only force acting on the elevator is gravity, the force is 1000*9.81 = 981N Towards the ground Note that it is essential to put the direction that the force is acting as it is a vector quantity.

What is the force on a 1000 kg elevator that is falling freely at 9.8 msec2?

The force acting on the elevator is equal to its weight, which can be calculated using the formula F = m * g, where m is the mass of the elevator (1000 kg) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). So, the force on the elevator would be 1000 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 9800 N.