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12 it has double that of the sperm. this is because only half the chromosomes are passed on from each parent so that when the sperm and egg combine they have the correct ammount of chromosomes. sperm (and egg) cells are called gametes and are haploid and are produced by meiosis where as all other cells are diploid and produced by mitosis.

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15y ago
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15y ago

All gametes are haploid, in all organisms.

From the phrase "body cell" it sounds as though you are talking about an animal. Most animals have diploid body cells.

So you would expect six chromosomes in each gamete.

However, some animals, such as male honey bees, have haploid bodies. If the organism in the question is haploid, then the gametes will have 12 chromosomes.

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11y ago

I'm assuming you are referring to human sperm cells. Human sperm cells contain 23 chromosomes, the reason being is because the other half of the chromosomes is from the female egg cell (23 chromosomes as well) and when the two sex cells fuse the 2 sets mix for a total of 46 chromosomes in the human body.

If you looking for the number of chromosomes in a fly sperm cell, then it is generally half since the other set must belong to the female fly in order to reproduce an offspring similar but unique to its parents.

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14y ago

Different species of fish have different numbers of chromosomes.

Try asking for a specific species of fish and someone will help you.

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14y ago

6; it's always half the number of chromosomes than in regular body cells

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14y ago

=they have 97.=

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Q: If an organism has twelve chromosomes in each body cell how many chromosomes would you expect to find in the organism's gametes?
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How many chromosomes would you expect to find in a sperm cell?

24.This is because in chimpanzees, as in humans, the gametes (eggs and sperms) are formed by the type of division called meiosis. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes is halved.

What are the types of cells in which you would expect synapsis to occur?

Cells that are beginning to divide by meiosis.Synapsis is the pairing and aligning of two homologous chromosomes. This only occurs in prophase I of meiosis.Just what type of cell is dividing by meiosis depends on the species. In humans the answer would be cells that are forming gametes (oocytes and spermatocytes). In plants meiosis always produces spores; gametes are formed by mitosis.

Can an organism with a Gg genotype produce gametes with either the dominant or recessive allele in equal amounts?

Yes. Remember that a heterozygote can produce two types of gametes. In this case, the unknown would produce gametes with the dominant allele A or the recessive allele a. The homozygous recessive would still only produce one kind gamete, with the recessive a allele. Therefore, we expect to see only two genotypes in the F1, Aa and aa, in equal proportions.

Which cells would you expect to be haploid?

Firstly, a haploid cell is a cell that contains one set of chromosomes (n). Some examples include gametes (sperm and egg) and prokaryotes. Also, plants have haploid stages in their alternation of generations (or life cycles). This stage is called the gametophyte.

Would you expect a heterotrophic organism to grow in an inorganic synthetic medium?

No because heterotrophic organism require an organic carbon source.

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How many chromosomes in total would be in a sperm cell a grasshopper?

If it had 180 chromosomes in it's diploid stage (a normal body cell) you could expect to find 90 in its gametes.

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A gamete would be haploid, containing half the number of chromosomes compared to a diploid cell. Therefore, a gamete of this organism would be expected to contain 29 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes would you expect to find in a sperm cell?

24.This is because in chimpanzees, as in humans, the gametes (eggs and sperms) are formed by the type of division called meiosis. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes is halved.

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The living organisms that one would most likely expect to find in gardens are plants.

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No, the number of differences in amino acid chains will vary depending on the evolutionary distance between the organisms being compared. Organisms that are more distantly related will have more differences in their amino acid chains compared to closely related organisms.

What are the types of cells in which you would expect synapsis to occur?

Cells that are beginning to divide by meiosis.Synapsis is the pairing and aligning of two homologous chromosomes. This only occurs in prophase I of meiosis.Just what type of cell is dividing by meiosis depends on the species. In humans the answer would be cells that are forming gametes (oocytes and spermatocytes). In plants meiosis always produces spores; gametes are formed by mitosis.

What cells would you expect to be haploid?

a sperm cell

Can an organism with a Gg genotype produce gametes with either the dominant or recessive allele in equal amounts?

Yes. Remember that a heterozygote can produce two types of gametes. In this case, the unknown would produce gametes with the dominant allele A or the recessive allele a. The homozygous recessive would still only produce one kind gamete, with the recessive a allele. Therefore, we expect to see only two genotypes in the F1, Aa and aa, in equal proportions.

What chromosomes would you expect to find in a female?

you will only find X chromosomes in a female, but in a male you will find X and Y.

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Where are the genes of a eukaryotic organism located?

Genes are found within the DNA code of chromosomes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of eukaryotes.