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Yes there could be a chance of getting infected if you are not immunized and have the necessary equipments to protect you.

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Q: If cleaning a swine room can you get infected by cleaning in it?
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Is Swine Flu water born?

No it is cought from infected swine , so the name.

Is Paris infected with Swine Flu?

As of May 5th, 2009, France has no confirmed cases of the swine flu.

A boy have a swine flu you kiss him would you get infected?


What happens to a pig if infected with the swine virus?

NOTHING, the swine virus does not affect pigs...and if it did then humans can't get it from pigs. NOTHING, the swine virus does not affect pigs...and if it did then humans can't get it from pigs.

How many people have been infected in Asia with swine flu?

Over 200

Are you still infected with just a cough from swine flu?

Yes. Its very contageous

Is Swine Flu zoonotic?

Yes, H1N1 (swine flu) originally infected humans through contact with infected pigs (hence the name swine flu). The newest swine flu (H1N1/09) is able to pass directly from human to human without an animal in the mix, but originally it was zoonotic. Around 60% of all human infectious pathogens are zoonotic.

Could your child contract Swine Flu by playing in an indoor playground with an infected child?

yes because anything they touch or breathe on has the swine flu

What do you do when you think you have Swine Flu?

Go to the doctor tard. If you have it you are getting more people infected

Is the swine flu found in frozen pork?

No, and you cant get it by eating infected pork, anyway.

Can you get Swine Flu from pets?

It is possible but rare. There have now been recorded transmissions of swine flu H1N1 to cats so it would be possible to have an infected cat transmit to a human. This has yet to be recorded but give it time and it may happen someday.Pets have infected their owners with bacterial infections but I know of no instance where swine flu has done this.

Can you catch swine flu in a hotel room?
