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Q: If earth was the size of a pea what about jupiter and pluto?
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Are asteroid different sizes?

yes from the size of a pea to the size of Pluto

Why does Jupiter revolve around the sun and not the other way around?

Because as big as Jupiter is, it is a green pea in size compared to the suns beachball size. The bigger body has the stronger gravity, and always wins.

What is Relative size of sun and earth?

dont know exact #s but if you made the sun the size of a basketball the earth would be the size of a pea

What size is a gerbil's brain?

About the size of a pea

Is earth the second smallest planet in space?

Okay, there are two problems with your question. Firstly, define space. Like, do you mean our solar system, galaxy or the universe in general? Secondly, do you consider Pluto a planet anymore? If you're just talking about the solar system, no. The second smallest planet in our solar system is Mars. This does not include Pluto. The size order of all the planets is: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mercury and then Pluto (if you still consider it a planet). Our galaxy is huge and could contain millions of other planets ranging in size from the size of a pea to the size of a small star. The definition of a planet is spherical object which orbits around a star. Even though our galaxy is huge, there are millions of billions of other galaxies out there, many bigger than ours, so there is no chance that out planet is the second smallest in the universe.

Size of pea gravel?

typically the size of peas hence the name pea gravel

What does pea-sized mean?

Pea-sized is literally the size of the vegetable pea.Products recommend using a pea-sized amount which is the amount of product equal to the size of the pea.

What is the size of the seed?

About the size of a pea.

How many centimeters is the size of a pea?

The average size of a shrimp pea is approximately 1.38349 cm. in circumference. The average size of a green pea is approximately 2.435 cm. in circumference. The average size of a humunut pea is approximately 2.547 cm. in diameter.

What is pea stone?

Pea stone is gravel that is about 1/4 inch in diameter (the size of a pea).

The pituitary gland is the size of what?

About the size of a pea

How much more expensive is a plus size pea coat compared to a normal sized pea coat?

A plus size pea coat will cost the same as a regular size pea coat at most retailers. However, some chains do sell the plus size version for about 5% more.