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The WWE superstars would beat up batman.

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Q: If everyone in WWE fight batman and he's not allowed to use any of his weapons or gadgets who would win?
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Does Batman have a lightsaber?

No, Batman does not have a lightsaber. Lightsabers are weapons specific to the Star Wars universe, and Batman is a character from the DC Comics universe who utilizes a variety of gadgets and weapons like batarangs, grappling hooks, and more.

What are Batman gadgets and how they help him?

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Is batman the smartest superhero?

He has the best gadgets

What gadgets does Batman use?

the bat mobil

How many gadgets does batman have on his utility belt?

well, batman has 30 gadgets in his utility belt. if u r asking in total he has somewhere around 80 or 90 gadgets including the bat vehicles.

Is there a batcave in batman arkham city?

You get all of your weapons and gadgets from Alfred via intercom at certain points in the game, and from other characters. But the Batcave exists in the Harley's Revenge DLC.

Was Batman born with superpowers?

Batman has no superpowers other than those abilities he has that are derived from his gadgets .

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Clayface is stronger but batman usually has a lot of gadgets that can beat Clayface so that is why batman always wins.

Could Batman gadgets be real?

If u believe so....

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What gadgets does Batman have?

Batman uses a large number of gadgets in his career. The most notable are the batarang a bat shaped boomerang or shuriken. Ans a grappling hook, in early incarnations it was a batarang attached to a rope, currently it is a sort of self contained gas powered handheld unit that launches a high strength line with a folding grappling head. Most other gadgets are either cutting edge and or miniturized versions of current technologies.Batman carries many gadgets such as the batarangs, bat claw, and other gadgets based on his resourcesHis gadgets are stored in his utility belt, but he also has many gadgets stored in the batcave, batmobile ect.