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Q: If gravity on the moon is one-sixth Earth's gravity how much would a 60 lb toolbox weigh on the moon?
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Surface gravity of Neptune?

Neptune's gravity is 1.14 times the earths gravity. So if you weigh 100 pounds you would weigh 114 on Neptune.

How does gravity affect the earths surface?

It makes things weigh more or less, depending on the surface gravity.

How would your weight change if you went from the Earth to the moon?

Your would weigh 1/6th as much as you do here on mother Earth. The how is our moons' mass, and therefore its' gravity, is about 1/6 as much as the Earths'. Its' gravity well is not as deep as the Earths.

What is the gravity of the planet Mercury?

38% of earths. If a man weighing 100kg on earth he would weigh 62 kg on mercury.

Why would the person weigh less on top of the mountain than on the Earths surface?

The higher you go the less effect gravity has on you.

How much will you weigh on the moon if you weigh 65 pounds on earth?

10 and three quarter pounds. That's 0.1654 x 65. The gravity on the moon is 16.55% of the earths.

How much would a great dane weigh on Jupiter?

Jupiter's gravity is 2.528 times that of the earths, so a 60kg great Dane would weigh around 152kg.

How much would a 104 pound person weigh on the moon?

the moon is 1/6th the earths gravity so 6 goes into 104 ... 17.33 so if u r using an earths scale - you would weigh 17.33 lbs

How does gravity affect matter on the Moon?

The Moon has only about 17% of earths gravity. that means the average man will weigh about 12 kilo, if you drop a stone it will fall to the ground but slowly.

How much does a person who weight 360 newtons on earth weight on the moon if the moon has onesixth the gravity of earth?

The Gravity on the Moon is much weaker than the Gravity on Earth, the Moon's gravity is about 1/6 of the Gravity on Earth. So for example: An Object that weighs 690 N on Earth will weigh 115 N on the moon. In order to get your answer, just divide any number by 6 and you will get your answer. Answer: 360 N on Earth will result as 60 N on the moon.

What is jupiter's gravity in relation to earths gravity?

Jupiter's surface gravity is 2.639 times as great as Earth's. A person who weighs 200 pounds on Earth would weigh 528 pounds there.

Will your weight be the same in the moon?

No, you will weigh 2 times less on the moon than on Earth. This is because the moon's gravity is 1/6th of Earths.